
Sunday, 25 February 2018

Share A Care Through Prayer

Love our Lord with might –
He may be out of your sight
But He is with us in Scripture
Preaching with some fervour.
Listen to what He has to say
That God made life from clay,
And is omniscient, omnipotent
And omnipresent and is present. 

God is indeed great and powerful,
His creation of life is wonderful,
He gave us His one and only Son
Who preached God’s holy wisdom.
Reach out to Jesus and our Father
With prayer my Sister and Brother. 

© Andrew Stevenson 25/02/2018
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


  1. Have you ever tried writing poems in a style similar to the Psalms? I bet you'd be good at it.

    1. Greetings Susan. I want to read the Bible again, and see if I can write a piece from every book within it. Wish me luck. I have a lot to do at the moment though - always busy. Thank you for your kind sentiments. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    2. When I was in school, (back in the Dark Ages) we had an assignment to write a poem in the style of the Song of Solomon. It ended up being one of the most beautiful poems I ever wrote.

    3. Greetings Susan. Glad you remember the poem you wrote being a poetic-piece of worth. I enjoyed studying poetry at Open University. As you can tell, I've read Genesis, and am on my way to writing a poem on every book - or more. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
