
Sunday 6 October 2024

I Miss Your Blissful Bliss


I am fanaticising as you’re mesmerizing,

I am remembering you with reminiscing

As you were blissful bliss of which I miss

Especially your loving hugging and a kiss,

I was in lucky luck when I chanced to look

Upon yourself worth so more than wealth

As you were my gold to so lovingly hold

As I was rich in spirit with you as my chick.


I so implore that it is you who I lovingly adore

But you stall to making a call to again enthral

My mind with a buzz of us which is my score

To yet again open a door with a beauty ethereal.

Open your mind and you might find me in-kind

Wanting again to gain yourself a lady so refined.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 06/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew. 

On A High With Every Hi


A smile is well worth my while,

A loving look is I am so in luck,

I did care when we were a pair

Being together I hoped forever.


I still have a mind to love in-kind

Which you might find so sublime,

I want you to know you’re a glow

In my dark, a beacon light bright.


Your behaviour was in my favour

As I did savour your kind nature

With fervour as you went further

With loving hugging so pleasing.


I was so a happy chappie with thee

And you created in me tranquillity,

I was always merry like on sherry

As you were a high with every ‘hi’.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 06/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew. 

Keen To The Extreme


I love to just stare at lovely Clare,

She is beautiful with locks of hair

That are fair that bounce with flair

At every pace that highlight a face

Standing out with prettiness clout

With piercing blue eyes the prize

Of so winning her over for loving

With a knowing smile so grinning.


She is an attraction to the extreme

With little wonder why I am keen,

We so loved to love with a passion

That she filled me with gratification.

I remember so fondly with fondness

Us being together full of happiness.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 06/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


Saturday 5 October 2024

I Grow With Your Glow


I will wish upon a star

That you’ll be near and not far,

I will leave hope ajar

That we’ll again drink in a bar.


Love is in my nature

That I express further with fervour

With you my ex-partner

Who was a lover in my apt favour.


You loved with a passion

And had your way in compassion

With your supplication

That I heeded with gratification.


I miss you terribly so

Of which I hope you do so know,

And my love does grow

As you are my sunshine glow.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

A Turn From A Burn


Let me offer out a hand

To guide you in this land

That can so be a mission

With making a decision

Of forks in the road ahead

That can fill you with dread

As if you take a wrong turn

It may sting like a hot burn.


Follow me on a righteous path

Where hopefully we will laugh

With having a good godly time

That’ll be expressed in rhyme.

Let me lead the way to so play

With playing ball instead of stall.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

It Is You Who I Pursue


I love you greatly oh so much

But am I gravely out of touch

For craving you with my lust.


You don’t dearly reciprocate

What it is I relate to so state

That I want to go on a date.


I fancy you to be oh so fanciable

And it is you who I want to pull

As my heart with yourself is full.


It is you who I do so greatly pursue

As I want to stick to you like glue

With a passionate passion to renew.


Wont you come back and see me

Or am I barking up the wrong tree

With an impossible impossibility.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Implore More That Is A Score


Is your life rife with strife

With a wife not very nice,

Or do you have a partner

Who acts with a behaviour

You love and also savour,

I hope you are not graver

With a hubby not in favour

With your nurturing nurture

That might to him be torture

With going against his nature.


I would advise not to despise

But try your utmost very best

To so reconcile any difference

That may be a bad hindrance.

Open a door to a not nice flaw

And search in her or him more

Of a score that you can implore

Is not a chore of wanting more.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Love With A Hug


My Mother is like no-other,

She does smother with love

In her large embracing hug

Of which I herby do relate

That I happily reciprocate

As I so love her undeniably

As she has acted maternally

Throughout thine mentality.


I try to see Mum every week

As both our lives are so bleak

As we both so live under care

That is just but seems unfair.

I love her with all my heart

And dread the day of depart.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


Guile For A Smile


Am I a Jeckel and Hyde,

As in I am well then ill,

Which can be a bitter-pill

So you don’t enjoy a ride,

But I’ll abide to be on side

With what you can so instil

So I won’t be a chilling chill

But a thrill that you can chide.


We so had something special –

Please don’t be in sad denial

And consider me like a trial

To a debate for a long while.

I could again make you smile

With witty wit and using guile.


Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

From Goodbye To Hi


Am I like a greedy pig in a sty

Not being an apple in your eye,

Or are you just shy to not so try

To rekindling a goodbye to a hi.


You are so my all and fondly I sing

Of your praises for ages and ages,

Don’t you know you’re everything

To me which is written on 300 pages.


You are my muse I hereby relate to state

And I hope you are reading my writing

Of what it is I am citing, a possible date

As I hate a wait which to me is suffering.


I am persevering with my subtle advance

That I hope will lead to a nightclub dance

With some smooching with sweet groping

That will be pleasant pleasing so appeasing.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

From Nature Our Saviour


I am going to see my Mother soon,

She lives in Chester in a care home,

And like a flower in colourful bloom

She has hardly aged, and doesn’t moan

But has grown in a like-minded spirit

Regardless of it being like incarceration

And she is no-longer fit but needs a stick

And besides visits it’s like a segregation.


I am in supported living which is a similarity

But I am able to come and go as I so please

So I am not locked up for acting so mentally

From hearing voices which still so do tease.

One of my alters claims to be mother nature

And states that I am a born again our Saviour.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Blue Over You


Is this my lot or will luck be my fate,

You are not forgot but it’s a long wait,

You are a charm I’d so like on my arm

But at the moment I struggle with calm

As I am prone to suffer with self-harm

As I miss you so and want you to know

That my loving, loveable love does grow

And I am hoping you reap what I do sow.


I have wrote about three hundred poems about you

That express an unfathomable love and that I’m blue

As my love so true is lonely without us being together

And I know I was a storm to weather but I’m now better.

When we were a lover to each other I was oh so happier

But I did fret with being ill which to you was a bitter-pill.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Sublime Shine


The shine of the hot sun

Is beaming in our garden,

I go out for some fresh air

And the shine is just there,

I feel happy in the sunshine

As it makes me feel so fine,

The warmth I think sublime

As it’s comforting in basking.


Sadly I am so a pitiful smoker

So I often go outside for one,

The lads sometimes play poker

While in the radiance of the sun.

We have a patio with a canopy

To keep us dry when it is rainy.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

An Array On Display


We went to a museum in Manchester

Whereupon I saw a dinosaur monster,

A T-Rex from the age of the Jurassic

Who’s size I thought to be so ‘classic’,

There were fossils evidencing evolution

From single cells to an age of population,

Stuffed animals, reptiles and mammals,

Were of a wide array on many a display.


I went there with the residents and staff

From our gaff, and overall it was a blast

Which did last an age gazing at the past.


We stopped at the café to have a cup of tea

Or coffee, and a sweet treat to happily eat

That did deplete quickly as we ate heartily.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Happy Being Merrily Merry


I wandered across a meadow

And marvelled at the flowers,

They were putting on a show

Of which I so gazed for hours,

During my walk it went slow

Without it raining any showers,

The sun shining was so a glow

With its sustaining life powers.


It was so a picturesque scenery

Which to me was so heavenly,

I strolled next to the river Dee

Which was flowing flowingly.

The birds were flying happily

And I took it all in so merrily.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 05/10/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Sunday 29 September 2024

I Lack Back On Track


I know that it may seem

That I am so overly keen,

You are a dreamy dream

Come true it is oh so true

So it is you who I pursue

As without you I am blue.


I pray you’ll come back

So I will so get on track

To some loving hugging

Of which I am so pining,

And I’m missing kissing

And our sharing caring.


You are my one and all,

Why don’t you play ball,

When you left it was fall

With lots of rain in pain

Crying again and again

That I could not refrain.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 29/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Saturday 28 September 2024

In My Mind Is To Rhyme Our Time


Will it come to pass

You being my Lass,

It is like I am a fast

You willed to so last,

Remember our past

Where we had a blast

That we can surpass

If it is so your task.


When you were mine

I thought you sublime,

You’re a muse I rhyme

With most of my time.

I will repay you in-kind

For healing a mad mind.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Doing Time Without A Crime


My trials I will so adjourn

As I duly plead not guilty,

I will so not swear a word

To my giving a testimony,

I’ll remand in your custody

Myself my dear to not fear

Being a word in your ear

As I know you are sincere

And you will not let me rot

For a hand in arresting a bot’

That is yours, mine and ours

That I lustfully felt for hours

Which is an accusation crime

That consumed all of my time.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Compassion Supplication


I am steadfast in my belief

For forgiveness for a thief

Who’s prayed to our Lord

And has put down a sword,

As Jesus so died for this sin

And welcomes them like kin

As long as they have let in

Him and God above in love.


Many in our World go hungry

With many not giving charity,

Christ helped to feed a mass

With bread no-matter of class.

He had steadfast compassion

Feeding crowds supplication.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew. 

Desire A Choir


A Church bell ringing

Is a call for apt singing

To praise God in a hymn

With your friends and kin,

Rejoice with songs of choice

That will sour you ever so high

Like a white dove free in the sky

That is so a symbol of Christianity –

Go with the flow and let yourself go

So heavenly with a choir’s popularity.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Pass To A Mass


Mother Nature is so our Mum,

Rejoice and do not be so glum,

She evolves life for the better

Reigning on Earth with nurture,

As a cloud is loud with thunder

And in the sea is us going under

To be in heavenly haven yonder

As a cell devoid of belief of hell.


I believe when we pass we go to the sea

So as a cell that was driving your vessel,

And this is Heaven on Earth, our serenity

When we cease to be after your funeral.

And we pass to eventually be in a mass

With cells that were a functioning body

Which is how it is in the sea this ability.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

It Is Heavenly Acting Christianly


Jesus is a love of my life,

His teachings are still rife,

He was and is my Friend –

He put me so on the mend

From being so seriously ill

That gave my Family a chill,

I will always be so grateful

Like a lost sheep in a Parable

Who was sought and found

And with LOVE I’m sound.


I used to be a pitiful sinner,

Transgressing I was a loser,

But now better I’m a winner

In my life now free of strife.

I beseech to act Christianly

As to others this is Heavenly.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Unstable In Hospital


I suffer with schizophrenia

And was crazy in paranoia,

I was mentally oh so insane

Causing myself misery pain,

I hear voices in my mad mind

And was aggressively unkind,

I walked around like a lunatic

When I was unwell being sick.


But I have now been very well

For oh so over a year long spell,

I duly get along with my family –

They think I’m as well as can be.

I don’t ever want to go to hospital

Feeling feeble and crazily unstable.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Thursday 26 September 2024

A Nightmare Aftercare


In a slumber I awoke in a tremor

At being in horror with a spectre

That did haunt me during a sleep

Which to my partner I did bleat

That I was frightfully frightened

From its frightening, heightened

By the realism of it being reality

Which frighteningly was a gravity

Of immense suspense within me.


Clare, comforted me so with care

And stated that I had had a scare

And that it wasn’t real how I feel

About this ghost that was the host

Of a nightmare of being hag-ridden

And that for waking her I’m forgiven.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 26/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

I Ache That Lake


Inside I now ache to walk the lake

Along the shore that is not a chore,

Where whispers on the wind sing

An enchantment melody so happy

With the waves waving goodbye –

They crash to deplete at my feet,

And I enjoyably enjoyed a scenery

That is thoroughly oh so heavenly

Like Eden with rolling greenery

And flowers going on for hours

That I am in awe to all that I saw,

And I pine for the sunshine again

Over me and that tranquil serenity.


I want to again float in a ferry boat

With a frown like it so up and down

With the rocking and also swaying

That is now playing in remembering,

And the mountains rising in a height

That were all a mighty might in sight

That enthralled to so pursue the view

Of majestic giants seemingly so high

As to be so never ending in that sky.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 26/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Courting Romancing


You are so alive in my thinking,

In the dead of night awakening

I am thoughtful in reminiscing

Of our hugging and also kissing

That was blissful bliss happening

When we were together so dating.


I am patiently impatiently waiting

Of an appearance of you appearing

As I am pining wining and dining

With drinking, eating and dancing

As I would like courtship courting

With your sweet-self in romancing.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 26/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Our Time In Rhyme


You are deep within me,

My heart is full of thee,

My mind is mindfully

Mindful in tranquillity,

As you are so heavenly

That you create serenity,

And hoping so wishfully

I hope and wish us to be

Again together so happy.


You are the muse I choose

As I hope you will be mine

When you read my rhyme

Of us together in our time.

300 poems expressing you

That express a love so true.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 26/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

It Is Fair To Say I Care


My glass heart is shattered,

It’s in bits over you it’s true,

When nothing else mattered

Except feelings which renew

When I am pensive in wonder,

And I ponder my mind’s eye

Looking at you always fonder

For hope you’re yonder, I pry

To dissect of my reminiscing

Of your sweet-self romance

That I am heavenly thinking

Staring at space in a trance

Hoping to again to be dating

With wishfully another chance.


My mindful thoughts are of you,

You are so an entity inside of me

Consuming my thinking it’s true

And as my inner-self of you to be

Is in hopeful hope without a ‘bye’

But another ‘hi’ so as to be free

From as blue as the vastness sky

Which is overwhelming inside me –

A great weight of burden to bare

Which is yoke as heavy as can be

As I still with fondness fondly care.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 26/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.