
Tuesday 20 August 2024

I Talk The Talk And Walk The Walk

A walk with another resident and  a member of staff in Wales.


The Splendour Of Nature



The manager had six dogs with her

With two of them being a pointer,

We all loved our walk within nature

And appreciated all of her splendour,

We walked around a mountain top

Which if wrong footed was a drop,

The waterfall looked like a fountain

Below and coming from a mountain,

We were appreciating the spectating

Of the wonder of our Mother Nature

In a splendour of blooming consuming

For us watching with it so grooming

Our appetite of a wonderful ripe sight

Which was more spectacular feature

That did nurture in our mind favour

Of nature's behaviour that we savour

As a natural beauty of a popularity.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 20/08/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.




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