
Sunday 4 August 2024

I Transgress With Having Less

I am sorry I used to transgress

But I had considerably so less,

You see I was brought up poor

Of which I was sore with abhor,

I used to have to provide myself

As I had little or no such wealth,

I had to beg and steal and borrow

To see me into the next tomorrow

Devoid of sorrow I did so know.

But our Lord preached forgiveness

And he so taught if you sought less

Than those that have more of best

Then you are meek and will reap

A place of worth in heavenly earth.

So play a tune like a heavenly harp

And love Jesus with all your heart

And so sing with a celestial Angel

To pull a string so you're not dull

But surprisingly lively with he/she

With all being happy as can so be

Especially your Brethren Brother

Or Sister, Mother, Father or lover.

Who are you family liking happy.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 04/08/2024

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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