
Sunday 11 November 2018

Inputting Account

I've been in stiches laughing out loud
At the humour within life being funny,
I am at peace and belong in the crowd
Of liking a roasting filling your tummy
With what is yummy - a floating cloud
Can rain down upon you, far from sunny
It leaves a taste causing you a sad frown
At a soaking of your pallet being unhappy.

Do you have a consciousness
Of how you might transgress,
As we don't like a pesky pest
And the matter needs to rest.
Aptly think of putting to test
At what you think of as less.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 10/11/2018

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. Laughter they say is the best medicine Andrew, good you have had a good laugh.


    1. Thank you Yvonne. I love to laugh. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
