
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Mother Nature To Nurture

The passing of time
Expressed in rhyme
Is I think sublime.
Wordsworth’s fervour
Was in Mother Nature,
He spilled his pen ink
To make you so think.
We can shed a tear
For Shakespeare,
He was in sorrow
For a Juliet morrow. 
Lord Byron often wrote
About being quite broke,
He enjoyed female company
And duly bedded so many.
The sonnet has lasted many ages,
Poems on plenty of historic pages
We are still so pleasantly reading
The pieces they were aptly writing.
Will they stand the test of our time –
I hope so as I think they are fine.
© Andrew Stevenson 10/11/2018
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.



  1. You mentioned three of my favorite poets, Andrew! I remember reading the funniest thing ~ I think it was in an exhibit about women in science in the Treasures Room of the British Library in London. Lord Byron's wife encouraged their daughter to become a mathematician because she couldn't stand another poet in the family. Byron actually abandoned his wife and daughter about a month after the daughter was born, and that was definitely not funny.

    1. Greetings Louise. Lord Byron was a clever, drunken lout on the pull with loose women. Sorry he wasn't a good Father to his child. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.

  2. Shelley was a good poet, used to live in an apartment once woned by his son also called Percy. Here in Boscombe there is an area named by different poets and writters,
    Loved your verse as always.


    1. Thank you Yvonne for your kind response, it is most welcomed. I was brought up on 'Poets Corner'. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
