
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Expressing Finishing

I have finished with Di’,
Said my farewell ‘bye’,
I had to do it in a text
Duly expressing my vex
At her being quite lax
With wanting to see me,
So I’ve departed from she
And now seek a new Honey.
I am fantasising about Cheryl,
Who is duly now on the pull,
She is on track at being a hit
And I think she is sexually fit.
If I make my fame and fortune
I will happily sing Cheryl’s tune.
© Andrew Stevenson 14/11/2018
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. If a relationship is over, there is no sense in dragging things out. It's kinder to finish it. Just hard to do. You must feel a sense of relief because the uncertainty is resolved. Take care, Andrew!

    1. Greetings Louise. It is a big weight of my mind, as I don't like to hurt anybody, least of all my Partner! But I did it and now it's done - she took it quite well and texted me back with some nice words. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
