
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Now Finished

I enjoyed my time spent with Di’,
I gave the relationship a good try,
She hardly ever wanted to see me
Because of her anxious insecurity,
She does not like to go out much
Which I understood without a fuss,
But I want a full-time partnership
Where I can woo with courtship.
I’ve been with Di’ just under a year,
She is a nice person who is sincere,
When I was with her we were good
As a loving friendship nicely should.
I saw her fifteen times or so at my flat
And Diane always had a likeable izzat.
© Andrew Stevenson 14/11/2018
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. I never once had the feeling that Di wasn't a nice person. It's too bad that things didn't work out for you two, Andrew. I do find the fact that she wouldn't tell her family about you a red flag.

    1. Greetings Louise. I couldn't even visit her at her place because she hadn't disclosed myself to her dominant Daughter! And in the space of a year I've seen her about fifteen times! Thank you for your understanding, it is most welcomed. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
