
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Unfinished Business Busyness

I’ve got over 300 poems in Notepad
Which I have got to put in my Word,
The font is different to all that I have
So I wont all to be the same to serve
To a publisher who might publish
The 1500 pieces that I have typed,
I have got many that I need to finish
So I will work on them until liked.
I am also writing two novels,
One is about the cold Ice-Age
And the other about struggles
Being a dealer in a mad rage.
I’ve wrote 13 chapters in one
And half a chapter the other one.
© Andrew Stevenson 13/11/2018
Wish me luck? I lost a chapter and a half of the ice age piece when my computer broke down a while back!
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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