
Monday 12 November 2018

Insight To Know

I have lost a lot of sad regrets,
My voices were hostile threats,
I was a loser battling elements,
Along the way were appeasements
Like softening the hostile hard blow
Of paranoid words that did grow,
And being confused and delusional
I still acted Christianly to one and all.

I had a good laugh along the way,
But this was out of madness at play,
As I was hardly ever happy in glee
As I quietly suffered derogatory.
I am dogmatic with my apt beliefs
Of trying to not lay my wreaths.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 10/11/2018

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. An excellent insight of what you have been through.
    It's good to be able to write all this via a verse.
    Writing has helped me along the way.


    1. Greetings Yvonne. Writing has helped me a lot, and it gives you something to do to pass away some of the time of day. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.

  2. If you had been a loser, you never would have fought your way through it. Writing is definitely a healing balm.

    1. It certainly is Louise. It's an escape for me, and I love to get lost in words! Blessings to you my Friend. Love love, Andrew.
