
Monday 12 November 2018

Kryptonite Fright

I have some mad fears
That I've had for years,
Some bring me to tears -
And while some peers
Converse to not grieve
At what I misconceive
To psychotically believe
I will heed not to bleed.

I've had suicidal tendencies,
Mishaps with razor urgencies,
And while I was duly not happy
I blamed myself for this swell
Of kiss and tell hell paparazzi
Of revelling in a ringing bell.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 10/11/2018


  1. Sorry about your fears Andrew but show me one person who dosen't have a fear of some kind. I have had many fears especially after losing my son a month ago.Hope they diminnish in time.


    1. Greetings Yvonne. Yes, many in our World are fearful. Hope your fears subside in time. Thank you for stopping by my Friend. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.

  2. I'm glad you found your way through those suicidal tendencies. Fending off thoughts of suicide can be very hard, especially when you just want the unbearable pain to stop. We all have fears, which is not to make light of yours. Take care, my friend!

    1. Greetings Louise. Regrettably I've self-harmed half of my life! I have many scars on both my wrists! But I haven't felt suicidal for years now as I've been relatively happy with and in my respective life. Thank you for your understanding. I know many have fears, and I have empathy for them. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
