
Sunday 15 September 2024

A Rose In A Pose


The rolling, high mountain ranges

Go on and go on for ages and ages,

The deep valleys are so picturesque

With lakes a treasure chest the best,

The scenery with unspoiled greenery

Was a pleasant and pleasing serenity,

All in all Cumbria is oh so heavenly

A source of peacefulness tranquillity.


The ranging flowers last for hours

With many a rose in a state of pose,

And the yellow tulip beautifully chic

With a snout with clout to rage about,

And the daisy on a plain were a frenzy

That I was merry like drunk on sherry,

An array of colour on sight so a delight

That my flight over a meadow did flow.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 14/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.



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