
Sunday 15 September 2024

It Goes Further The Fervour


We visited Lake Windermere

And so had cheer like on beer,

Rivers into the Lake flowing –

Water growing with the filling,

Many a stream’s path gushing

Into the whole of all their goal

To be in a swell swelling swell

That’s a filling fill that’s a thrill

With a swim in the waters’ chill.


I like my home but enjoy a roam

To be out and about with a clout

Especially on a picturesque walk

Whereafter I enjoy to talk the talk

Of no pretence of my appetence

Of duly so being in the splendour

Of Mother Nature’s wild nature

Where she goes further in fervour.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 15/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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