
Sunday 15 September 2024

In One As One


I can relate that my mental state

Holidaying at Windermere Lake

Was absolutely greatly so great.


I was in a peaceful frame of mind

Being kind to everyone you’ll find

And left my insane troubles behind.


I had lots of fun with being so merry,

I experienced tranquillity with serenity

And enjoyed the picturesque scenery.


I was pleasantly pleasant with niceness

And not once did I think to transgress

As I was happy in a mood of happiness.


My alters were quiet to my appreciation

And in my head was a loving devotion

In a motion of liking other’s supplication.


In conclusion I had none at all confusion

And duly had not one delusional delusion

As my voices and me were one in unison.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 15/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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