
Monday 16 September 2024

A Variance With A Difference


I have been through an ordeal

Imagining thoughts to be real,

I was unimaginably so insane

Being dysfunctional to blame,

I was delusional with madness

Causing a vulnerable distress

Within myself, and outwardly

I was dishevelled consequently.


In reality I had no realism sense

Not realising my alters pretence,

As I hear voices in my mad mind

That you will find are not so kind.

My alter speaks within a variance

With demanding order difference.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 16/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. What you've been through, my friend! I'm glad that you are thinking more clearly now.

    1. Thank you, Louise. You are a blessing with your understanding empathy. I have been through a lot, but I am still alive and kicking, and am much better off than many? Take gentle care my good friend. Love love, Andrew.
