
Sunday 15 September 2024

The Pain From A Train


On holiday we journeyed on a vintage train

Which bumped up and down again and again

Causing me intolerable pain in my lower back

As the ride was up and down causing me flack

As I lack a strong behind of which I was blind

To the detrimental effect of a bad, painful spine

As I was oblivious to the ride being so perilous

Of which it was devious in all sad seriousness.


But the views out the window were picturesque

With the valley and mountain scenery the best

With the greenery bountiful with being ample

And the colourful flowers were far from dull.

The train destination’s end was at Windermere

And appreciating the view we raised apt cheer

Whilst drinking beer in a hotel bar not so far

From the Lake which was reflecting our star.


Copyright Andrew Stevenson 15/09/2024


Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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