
Sunday 28 July 2024

A Hot Ray To Stay Today

 It is sunny and very hot with heat,

It was cloudy but they did deplete,

The sun is out today I hope to stay

So we can all play under a hot ray.

Nature is consuming with its blooming,

The flowers I could gaze upon for hours,

Rose petals flutter in the cooling breeze

And the array on display dance with ease.

The grow in the meadow is on show

And as I slow to admire their glow

I take in the translucent sight delight

That has a might of being out-of-sight.

The bees are buzzing out of their nest,

The birds are chirping at their very best,

The lambs are playing so messing about -

Nature is blooming duly with some clout.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/07/2024

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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