
Sunday 28 July 2024

Anew Not Blue

Be in the massive horde

Of listening to our Lord

With Him striking a chord

Of putting down a sword

That Christians applaud.

Live your life Christianly

So you too can come to be

Believing in God's Trinity

With an essence heavenly

With being happily happy.

Read the New Testament

And find Jesus pleasant

As He is so still present

And so very significant

Which is oh so apparent.

Our Lord is an appetence

Which oh so makes sense,

He was without pretence

So not sitting on a fence

With his common-sense.

Today is so our Lord's day

As it is a Church Sunday,

Kneel down and so pray

And so speak having a say

Of not liking hostile affray.

Let our Lord speak to you,

He will stop you being blue,

He is the Truth it is so true

So believe in Him to pursue

A well-being of being anew.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/07/2024

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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