
Sunday 14 July 2024

The Tide's Ride

The moon is in full bloom,

Is the turning tide its pride,

As it so is a gravity travesty

That it can defy a sensibility.

The earth is flat was a rap

In our history taking a nap,

As this was so proved crap

When we discovered a map.

The earth spinning is a tiding

Of spell binding of a finding -

As it is logic the moon's pull

Is so dull so be unbelievable.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 14/07/2024

It is logic the moon has hardly any gravitational pull, which was evidenced with the moon landings (as Neil Armstrong wore boots that were weighted). I think the earth spinning around controls the tides. Have you ever noticed, during the day time, when the moon is on the other side of the planet, we can still have a high tide?

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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