
Saturday 13 July 2024

I Am A Believer

 'I'm a believer, hear, have faith,

All rise, praise creator god DNA,

Come and fit in, take your place,

Democratically so have your say.'

"Will DNA change the genes in my sacks,

As an asthmatic diabetic should I breed,

Our odd visions are needles in haystacks,

I am its damaged goods - bleed this creed."

'My god can't talk, so I'll aptly reply,

See light, you're still alive and sane,

Just think ahead, soon you will die

A death of ecstasy - relief of pain.'

"But I don't want to pass and leave,

I love my Family, I am so not done."

'It is near time for them to so grieve,

Accept your fate, god's in your Son.'

"I'm his Son, why just DNA forever,

Are we just vessels, part of a herd."

'Listen, we are al in this life together,

Disregard negativity, spread the word.'

"What word, you are both a mad enigma,

DNA has designed mad and bad and sad,

Inadvertently it has created its own stigma

Of being a terrible guardian, Mum and Dad."

'Are we not the best species here on Earth,

Do elephants grow food and build a fence,

Humans have dominantly proven their worth

Mastering reason, logic and common sense.'

"This may be so, but who knows the mind,

Are elephants stupid for not having any tools,

And ages gone, has DNA really been kind

By breeding low IQ's and intelligent fools."

'Listen Friend, and take good noticeable greed

Of applying will, want, fear and need to yourself

As god DNA takes notice of this, and will heed

In time to come your descendant's good health.'

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 12/03/2017

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