
Sunday 28 July 2024

Behaviour Of I going Under

As soon as we met we so had a click,

I fancied you with being so sexily-fit,

Sparks were flying with our friction

And you became a highest addiction,

Your bot' was so hot with meat heat -

I loved groping you which was a treat

Every time we chanced upon to meet

Which did not deplete during our feat.

Where are you now I hereby do wonder,

Do you read the tears and mine thunder

Of what lays on yonder with my ponder

Within my nature of a stormy weather

As we are not together for me to nurture

Myself in your favour again to savour,

Instead you waver with your behaviour

As I was going under with being graver.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 28/07/2024

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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