
Wednesday 17 July 2024

My Precious Rose

 My Mother is so my precious rose

Whose petals duly wrap around me,

So gone are many of the hurts in life

When she embraces me in her bloom.

From Eve's garden she grew,

Plucked by God's own hand,

An Angel in my loving eyes

So always watching over me.

Charmed with the brightest of colours

That Mother Nature could so nurture.

She is so a distant beautiful rainbow

In whose love I favourably flourish.

The sun will always shine on her

Illuminating her Motherly beauty,

Such beauty I hold nicely close

Be it duly so near or so far away.

Her stem will always stand firm

Supporting me in times of need,

So a pillar of wonderful strength

Aptly keeping me always upright.

My Mother is so my nice, precious rose

Whose thorns do not prickle but protect,

Entwined in her armour I face the World

To fall at no-one's bad feet but my own.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 27/02/2017

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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