
Friday 12 July 2024

Your Hype Of My Write

 Is your love-life dire

Or is the heat on fire

With desiring desire.

I hope you are well

And living in swell

And not in hot hell.

I will have a cool beer

And raise to you cheer

My followers so dear.

I appreciate you viewing

Of what it is I am typing

For you to be enjoying.

Lots are from Hong Kong,

Thank you for your belong

And in my viewing throng.

Most are from America

And some are from China

I say welcome to all of ya.

A mass are from the UK,

I hope you like my 'say'

When you so visit today.

Many are just labelled 'other',

Thanks my Sister or Brother

Of my poems being a lover.

Thank you for being pious

Appreciating I am religious

Of my poems about Jesus.

I also love Mother Nature,

I hope it is in your favour

This typing of behaviour.

I write about my ex Clare,

Of which I lay myself bare,

Of which I hope you care.

In an essence I say a 'thank you',

For visiting my pieces to pursue

With every visit a poem that's new.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 12/07/24

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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