
Sunday 14 July 2024

Ice The Price

 Lightening is electrifying,

Clouds are consuming,

A strike can be a large bite

With our flourishing,

All life is solar powered

And this is devoured.

Gas is also in a cloud,

Thunder can cry out loud,

It comes from the sea

Evaporating comfortably,

As a thunder storm

Breaks the norm of calm.

I think electricity is a gas,

We need both to last,

As food has both within

So put them both in

Your appetite with might

As they're out of sight.

We need a balance of both,

So be a good host

Serving up the most boast

As what can be toast

Is gas depleting in the heat

While cooking meat.

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 14/07/2024

It is so plaintively obvious there must be gas in clouds, as just a bowl of rain water is a heavy weight, and it can pour for hours with showers over a vast scale of land.

Clouds must be made of salt, as that is one of the main ingredients in the sea, and clouds are formed from the sea, evaporating into clouds. And clouds contain a vast amount of electricity, which can rain down in the form of lightening, or stay stagnant in clouds.

Now, I think that both gas and electricity serve a purpose, as in our bodies needing these elements to function. Perhaps they are in a cell, that doesn't give us a shock, a robot cell if you like, and these cells are pierced in the stomach to release these fundamental elements for sustaining our lives.

This is just a theory, as I don't have the means to investigate further. But is cancer and dementia not getting the right balance of both gas and electricity inside of you?

I think when we heat water up, or cook food, this evaporates most of the gas from the products you are heating up or cooking? So I advise that you drink lots of spring water, and try not to cook everything that you eat - lots of fruit would suffice, and it's nice, to not pay the price of ending up ice, in a mortuary!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

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