
Monday 1 July 2024

Philosophy One

 A philosopher was contemplating life to a student of his. His was deep in thought while strolling to and thro in his chamber. Then he uttered: 'you know, there must be a higher entity in our life, as so much of it, or all of life, has a purpose in life? Like the eco-systems of our world, everything seems to be in sync with everything else. Here's an example: moths only live a short cycle, and why is that? I deem them to be just like plankton in the oceans, just bred for food for the predators that eat them. Now is not that a sorry existence for that's their lot, and their fate is to die, or pass, as you will, within days of being born. And if they are not eaten alive, they are almost certain to be eaten dead? And why justify living, when in reality it is hell! Now, probably, all species looking on at a human/ humans, would want to live in our vessel/vessels, as we are the dominant force on our planet, and why you may ask - because we have hands. And that's it in a nutshell, it's just hands being handy that we are a force of nature. Life is amazing, we have microscopic creatures that we struggle to see, and take little notice of, but they are eating and drinking like us, and they too are in sync with life, as what do creatures eat that are that small, food that fits into their mouths even smaller than microscopic. It's unfathomable I know, but it's a proven fact we have roughly six billion psych cells alive in the average sized human body, so life can be so small that we just don't see it, and if we don't see it, we don't take notice of it. Do those psych cells live on after our death? As all water at some point in time travels back to the sea, so are psych cells in our bodies going back to the sea alive and kicking? I deem they are mostly water, as our bodies are mostly water, so is a psych cell driving our brain, put their during a pregnancy, and lives on after we die? And if so, through the passing of of time with all life, the sea must be inundated with cells alive? And are they thinking in a mass, with touch telepathy, like I think our sub-conscious has this ability? Just a theory. And during the passing of time in the whole of our history, were species on land only existing to create soil for to serve this purpose to our higher entity, Mother Nature, or God. As the brain would have been at a minimum in prehistoric days, and is only larger and more clever through the course of evolution. Imagine in those days, T-Rex's wouldn't be able to enter a forest similar to the amazon rain forest, as life was probably like that back then, dense jungles. All the big dinosours would have been restricted to the plains, eating from the edge of the forest, and shitting at the edge, thus creating more soil for the forest to grow. That's enough for now, as I'm tired and weary. I hope you, my student, can build your own thoughts from this foundation. I'm going to relax now and eat some meat'.


  1. Fascinating, really fascinating

  2. Thank you my good friend. Glad you find it so. Love love, Andrew.
