
Saturday 22 June 2024

My Best Friend

 As you joyfully explore the time of day, you are inadvertantly imparting wisdom,

Which can be read in your happiness, and absorbed in your playful memories,

I reap what I sow in you, and am nourished by supplements of growing love,

That you display in your devotion, bodily motion, and expressive emotion.

You strive forward in leaps and bounds, often surpassing my expectations 

By climbing heights I thought were above you, that you now look down upon.

Take the lead and I will follow - tailing your trailing to alleviate possible failing,

And I will beg, steal or borrow, to see you safely into tomorrow devoid of sorrow.

I marvel at your intellect, and research and analyse your common sense and logic,

Which are reasoned with innocence, as you are guilty of a lack of understanding.

Life isn't always a 'walk in the park', as swings and roundabouts often occure,

So, when you 'bark up the wrong tree ', toy around with different concepts.

Sometimes 'cat and mouse' games don't suffice, and it's better to play ball,

So heed with greed the need to feed others with a consumables consciousness 

That is palletable to tastes in humane decency, and perspicacious respectability - 

I will open up some doors, but take a step backwards before you move forwards.


  1. This piece is about my dog. I don't like how some females are called a dog. It must originated from doggy-style? My best mate, B A, or 'B' for short, kicks off if he sees anyone disrespecting females.

  2. I call mother nature a good MUMMY. As in her tummy grows many! I am up for a giraffe now I am done and dusted? Sorry to ramble on, but I've been wayfaring in an oddesy

  3. It's my b'DAy at this moment in time, so I'll rhyme it's sublime to be in kind?

  4. The best mothers will be Christians, who believe in the second coming of the son. I'm A hundred percent certain?!!...

  5. My so and daughter were a preference of choice, as it was nice to have one of each I preach to beseech a priest!!!
