
Sunday 23 June 2024


 This is a repeat for Louise. Sorry if you've already read it. This post is twenty pages long and will take you about forty minutes to read. Thank you. Love love, Andrew.

Inga took a step closer, carefully placing his barefoot on the undergrowth, which remained silent. He now felt in range to release his spear from his firing position; the spear flew with deadly intent and reached its unsuspecting target within seconds. The target yelped and fell to the ground, seriously wounded by the shot. Inga sprang forward, then sprinted to his fallen quarry.

His prey, upon hearing this advancement, fearfully struggled to its feet to make haste a possible escape: the spear dangled from its hind-quarters dragging on the ground as it speedily ran. Inga was in hot pursuit, thinking fast on his feet as he navigated the trees and forest floor at speed. His prey quickly made some ground on him, but then its injury began to take a hold, and it rapidly slowed. It tried in vain to keep on running, but not even its fear could muster the incapacitated limb to respond! It finally fell, and gasped for breath as it waited its fate!

It was in a clearing, and soon the beaming sun shining over it darkened into Inga’s shadow, then into Inga himself. It frightfully stared up at Inga, and was surprised to see an expression of grievance upon his face! Inga felt sorrow for the animal, and his eyes welled up with tears as he searched for a suitable rock! After some rummaging through the grass, he found what he was looking for, then returned to his prey. He knelt on the ground beside it, then stroked its soft, warm neck as he sighed. Inga chanted a prayer:

‘I pray, oh sun god, hear I. Thank you food for tribe.’

When he was finished, he lifted the rock above him with both hands, then smashed it down into the creatures head; blood splashed out of the pierced skull. Inga briefly looked away from the horror of it all, then chanted another prayer:

‘I pray, oh sun god, hear I. I am a warrior of the Ashanti tribe. Inga kill deer, take spirit of deer!’

Shortly after, he felt blood begin to soak his knees, so he finished his prayer and stood up. He stooped down to dip his finger in the blood, then drew a circle on each cheek representing the sun and moon.

‘I pray, oh sun god, hear I. Protect I. Keep I warm with your heat. Guide I with your light.’

He pulled out his spear, then scanned the clearing and forest for any possible signs of danger! A patch of tall grass to his left caught his attention moving, but it was just swaying in a breeze. He liked the butterflies that danced above it, and the array of designs and colours they had on display. Flies were beginning to irritate him, attracted by the dead body: he swiped at them, stunning one with a smack that sent it hurtling to the ground: Inga quickly stamped on it. He picked up the deer by its two back feet, then set on his way, dragging the body behind him.

Before long he picked up the trail that had brought him to this particular hunting ground, a stream that would lead him to a river, which would lead him to his village. He stepped into it, shuddering at first at its chill, then to appreciate its coolness as the heat of the day flared. He dropped the body, which briefly coloured the flowing water red, then placed his spear on the embankment. Inga sat on his haunches, then cupped his hands together to drink from the refreshing water. He stood up, scanned the area around him, then set off downstream with the deer in tow.

A roaming sabre tooth tiger picked up a scent of blood, which lured him to the spot of Inga’s kill. It was hungry, and desperate for a meal! It sniffed about, and scented droplets of human sweat, which caused it to instantly check the immediate vicinity! It licked up what blood it could, lapping up dirt and grass in the process, then swiftly and stealthily followed the trail of blood. It came to a halt at the stream, losing the scent. It sniffed the air for possible signs, but could find no traces of Inga and the deer within the breeze that was blowing down the valley. It lapped up a hearty drink, then searched the area for any possible traces. Moments later it traced a faint scent of blood where the spear had been, reasoning then took it downstream!

Further downstream, Inga stopped for a rest. He drank until his thirst was quenched, then washed the sweat off his brow, that had been irritably dripping over his eyes. He sat down on the grassy embankment, then massaged his arms to alleviate some of the aching. He took in the natural beauty before him: the glory of the sun shining through the open canopy above the stream, reflecting its bright light on its surface; the splendor of the array of trees, proud in stance and bloom; the beauty of the flowers, rich in various types of colour; the wonder of nature, with birds darting to and thro, butterflies floating here and there, and insects going from A to B; the majestic sight of the surrounding peaks, encompassing the valley where he lived.

Two little birds squabbling caught his attention. He watched them madly chirping while attempting to peck each other, while frantically flapping their wings for flight and defense! He looked on intrigued at who might come out the victor, and before long one flew away with the other chasing behind. He reasoned they were probably siblings, at odds with each other from the nest.

A toad suddenly startled him, croaking wildly next to him. He marveled at such a little creature being so brave, or stupid, in the face of overwhelming adversity. He poked a cautious finger at it, saying:

‘You’re little, I’m big. You’re brave, I’m brave. You sit there, I sit here. Am I in your way?’ Inga laughed at his last comment, then felt a little stupid himself for talking to creatures, but carried on regardless, ‘is this your territory and I’m sitting in it?’ He laughed again, then composed himself before saying, ‘I’m leaving now, toad win fight,’ he burst into an almighty fit of laughter at the thought of a mere toad getting the better of him, Inga, a brave warrior of the Ashanti tribe!

Inga rose, then bent down near the water to rinse his hair, catching a glimpse of his reflection before he did so: black, unkempt hair; tanned, Caucasian skin; deep brown eyes; proud nose and a small mouth protruding through a short beard. He brushed his hands through his wet hair, which made him feel a little better. He lifted the flap of his animal hide undergarment, then urinated on the embankment.

He looked at the toad once again, proudly sitting there watching him, then slowly prodded it with his spear, causing it to jump a short distance. Inga mischievously waved the spear in front of the stubborn toads face!

Toad brave and toad stupid! I’ve got a spear,’ Inga stated as he carefully pushed the toad aside, ‘I win fight now,’ he said with a victorious grin. Inga proudly displayed his chest to the toad, flexing it so it bulged!

‘Toad got big chest, I’ve got big chest. My chest bigger than toad’s!’

Inga picked up the deer, then paused as he took in the canopy of trees that led down the valley for miles. His thoughts drifted to his village, and he envisaged his beautiful girlfriend anxiously waiting for him. A sneeze brought him back around to the matter at hand!

‘Bye toad. Live long life,’ Inga hopefully said as he set on his way, but was doubtful with such stupidity!

Sometime later, the tiger caught the scent of Inga’s urine, then followed this to where he had urinated. It saw the toad, then instantly pounced on it, biting it in two with his teeth, a little appetizer to appease its hunger! It searched for traces of the deer, but could find no scent of it! It quickly set off back downstream, hoping for a bigger meal soon!

Inga was making steady progress, prompted by the need to get back to the village before nightfall. His arm ached, so he stopped to use the other one to drag the carcass. He scanned the area behind him, then set off on his way again. A little further down the trail he came to an abrupt halt, having heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes to his left. Inga carefully placed the deer down into the water, took hold of his spear in both hands, then held it defensively out before him. He stood there, paused in motion, intently watching and listening! After what seemed an age, he heard the sound again. Inga stood there, waiting in a paradoxical state, brave and fearful as to what might ensue!

Moments later a rabbit peered out from under it, saw Inga, then darted back for cover. Inga breathed a sigh of relief, then relaxed from his defensive stance. He suddenly heard splashing footsteps behind him, and was instantly alarmed! Inga quickly turned to face the threat, and was horrified to see a sabre tooth tiger rapidly advancing upon him. He froze, and seemed suspended in time as his mind raced for a resolution!

Seconds later, he quickly searched for a tree to scale, but there wouldn’t be time! The tiger, upon seeing the weapon, abruptly slowed down its pace to approach with more caution. Inga slowly retreated, taking cautious steps backwards to remain facing the beast. It roared an almighty growl that shook Inga to his very core! Inga stared at the beast’s jaws, open wide revealing its long teeth, and was petrified!

He took a few more steps backwards, in the positive direction of a tree he could climb. He stabbed the space before him with the spear, in the vain hope of warding the tiger off! It came upon him and swiped viciously at the weapon. Inga wildly stabbed at its giant paws, connecting with one: the tiger roared in pain, then backed off a little. Inga took a few more steps backwards, getting ever closer to the safety of the trees!

The tiger limped towards him, still a formidable and frightening sight! Inga despairingly glanced at the trees, so near yet so far, and wondered whether he should now make a run for it before it was too late? The tiger came upon him again, growling viciously, then snapping its jaws at the weapon threatening it; Inga seized his chance, and thrust the spear into the beast’s mouth, piercing its throat. The tiger roared in pain, then swiped at the spear, forcing it out of Inga’s hands! Inga was mortified at finding himself without a weapon, and instantly sprinted for the nearest tree he could scale!

The tiger frantically swiped at the spear, eventually dislodging it from its throat, then immediately sprinted after Inga, who was now nestled safely up an oak tree. It leapt up the trunk, sinking its claws into the bark for grip. Inga’s heart sank in despair as the beast climbed up the tree, and he prepared himself for the worst when the beasts grip suddenly gave way, dropping it on its hind legs back on the ground. Inga was extremely relieved, yet nervously watched the magnificent beast prowling about below him.

Soon thereafter the tiger left for the stream, desperate to quench the thirst that the injury was now inflicting upon it. Inga watched it lapping up gulps of water, and wondered how long he might have to spend up the tree - perhaps all night! The tiger felt faint, so it searched for a suitable spot to lay down that offered some cover. Inga watched the tiger seemingly go to sleep, and wondered if he was dead or not? He dare not venture down at this moment in time, in case the beast stirred and attacked him!

An hour passed before Inga finally plucked up the courage to climb down to the ground. He quickly retrieved his spear, then slowly approached the creature, ever mindful to be cautious. He trod on a stone, picked it up, then hurled it at the animal, hitting it in its side: the tiger never flinched, so Inga advanced some more, then stood motionless for a long duration, taking in its majestic appearance! Inga reasoned it was a fully grown male by its huge size. He was close enough to see the tiger wasn’t breathing, yet still approached it with caution! He prodded the lifeless body with his spear, just to be sure!

Inga breathed a huge sigh of relief, and relaxed a little, yet felt mentally exhausted by the ordeal! He strolled over to the stream and drank a much needed drink! He returned to the tiger, curious to examine it! He stroked its fur, felt its muscles, then opened its jaws to get a good look at its ferocious teeth. He felt proud and brave to have killed such a formidable opponent, and was eager to tell his chief, partner and fellow tribesmen! Inga knelt beside the creature, still in awe at its huge size! 

‘I pray, oh sun god, hear I. I’m a warrior of Ashanti tribe. I’ve killed a tooth tiger, take spirit of tooth tiger! Thank you food for tribe.’

Inga reached the river just before sunset, and was in awe at the powers of the sun god, as the sky was ablaze with glorious shades of red and gold, which captivated his attention for a duration! He strode on, taking in the mighty, wide river as he did so: it was a force to be reckoned with, and from Inga’s perspective, flowed with murderous intent, as it was quick to sweep away any unsuspecting villager caught in its fast flowing currents! He watched a fallen tree floating by in its grasp, and admired the strength of the water to lift such a weight. He liked the daffodils that littered the footpath along the way, appreciating their beauty. Before long it became dark, and Inga struggled to see ten meters ahead of him in the dim moonlight, which was a cause of concern, as any curious predators could be upon him in an instant, catching him unawares! He raised his spear as a defense mechanism, and listened intently, disregarding the dragging sound the deer made! Inga caught sight of the moon in the river, then gazed up in wonder at his god, which prompted him to say a quiet prayer:

‘I pray, oh moon god, hear I. Thank you I can see in the dark. Please don’t fall on me!’

Sometime later, Inga caught site of plumes of smoke in the distance, rising in the night sky, and new he was close to his village. He passed a long bend next to the river, then saw fire light glowing within the village enclosure, a fortress of posts. He crossed over a large clearing before coming to a halt before the entrance.

‘LET INGA IN,’ he shouted over the tall fence.

While he waited he took pride in the engineering feat of their fortress, and marveled at its construction!

A brief screeching sound coming from the forest startled him, and he stared in vain at finding any possible source! Moths began to irritate him, flying recklessly in his face! He heard voices, then two posts were lifted before him by two of his fellow tribesmen.

‘You’re stupid walking in the dark,’ Col stated as Inga passed through the entrance, ‘we pray to moon god to guide you and keep you safe!’

‘I’m a brave warrior,’ Inga called back to Col, who was replacing one of the posts, ‘got great story to tell!’


Inga rushed through the village, passing many huts, until he came to a clearing in its center, where a large fire raged, illuminating many villagers around it and the surrounding area. He slowed down, telling everyone he passed that he had a great story to tell. Just after the fire, he arrived at the chieftain’s hut. He dropped the carcass on the dusty ground, then eagerly shouted:


Moments later the animal hide flap covering the short doorway was pulled aside, then out stepped chief Manbula, looking majestic wearing a lion’s mane around his neck!

‘Inga, Inga, Inga,’ Manbula repeated, ‘we worry, you’re late! Many pray to moon god for you!’

‘I’ve killed a deer for tribe. Got great story to tell!’

The chieftain looked at the deer, then at the gathering that was accumulating behind Inga, then said:

‘I thank you for tribe for deer to eat, you’re a skilled hunter. Tribe proud, chief proud, you be proud!’

‘I am proud,’ Inga stated as he stood as proud as he could before adding, ‘I killed a tooth tiger!’

Many in the crowd gasped, shocked at such a revelation, particularly Shy, Inga’s pregnant partner!

‘You’ve got great story to tell then,’ Manbula agreed, ‘you’ve killed tooth tiger story. Please, tell story.’

Shy pushed through the crowd to reach the front, keen herself to hear Inga’s story. Inga turned to face the gathering, caught site of her, then gazed transfixed at her beauty: black, straight hair; brown eyes that sparkled intellect; a sharp, petite nose and luscious, pout lips. He felt a deep love for her, and the goose bumps he felt played with his heart strings. She became conscientious that everyone was staring, and felt a little uncomfortable!

Shy eventually averted Inga’s gaze by turning her head, and as she did so, smudged, damp tears reflected a little fire light from off her left cheek. Inga noticed it, stepped towards her, then gently touched her cheek while whispering:

‘Why you cry?’

She faced him, stupefied as to what to say!

‘Why you cry?’ Inga persisted, then added, ‘Is it because I’ve been in the dark a long time?‘

‘Yes,’ she finally uttered after few moments thinking, not really wanting to lie, but agreeing for his benefit! She instantly felt ashamed, and kissed him to hide her blushing cheeks, a revealing tell! After composing herself, Shy withdrew from him, conscious the crowd was waiting to hear what Inga had to say, and grabbed his arm to usher him back towards the chief!

‘Go and tell your story now,’ she prompted.

Inga dramatically told his story, re-enacting the scenes, playing himself and the tiger, and using the spear as a prop! The crowd loved his showmanship, and he lapped up their enthusiasm. When he was finished, he turned to the chief, threw down his spear next to the deer, then beat his chest not dissimilar to a male gorilla!

‘I’M A BRAVE WARRIOR FOR CHIEF AND TRIBE,’ Inga shouted, then flexed his torso, particularly his biceps!

The females amongst the crowd advanced upon him, each one touching him for luck, as was customary. Inga liked the feeling of all the hands feeling him, and expressed this in his smile, which seemed fixed to his face! Shy waited until all the females were spent, then proudly walked over to him. As she seductively moved her hand over his muscles, she could feel them bulging with strength! Inga relaxed, wrapped his arms around her, then gently kissed her cheeks where the smudged tears had been. He moved to her lips, then passionately kissed her. Moments later, Shy whispered:

‘You’re Shy’s brave warrior.’

‘I’ll protect you and the baby,‘ he stated as he lovingly caressed her large stomach.

Shy looked down at his hands with a great sorrow, as she needed protection sometimes when Inga wasn’t around, but dare not ask for it, for fear of the possible consequences! The baby suddenly kicked inside her; distracting her from her thoughts! Shy put her hands over Inga’s and smiled as she gazed into the depths of his eyes! Inga reciprocated, and for a few moments they were lost in each other, oblivious to their surroundings! Shy eventually spoke:

‘I’m proud you’re father of our baby, you’ll make great father!’

‘I’m proud Shy mother of baby, Shy make great …’

‘INGA,’ Manbula called, interrupting him from his conversation with Shy, ’COME OVER HERE.’

Inga turned to face Chief Manbula, who was beckoning him to come over. Inga took Shy’s hand to lead her towards the chief with him, but Shy resisted, saying:

‘I‘ll go and rest at our hut.’

‘Come with I, Chief Manbula proud of me.’

‘You go, I‘ll go and rest,’ she repeated as she adamantly backed off from him.

Inga held her hand as their arms outstretched, desiring her to stay with him, then after she yanked it slightly, he reluctantly yielded, and released his grip.

‘Go and rest then,’ Inga called after her as she headed away, ‘I’ll try not to be too long.’

Inga strode over to Chief Manbula, who had his own little gathering, seemingly all keen to share Inga’s company!

‘Inga, sit there next to Shirl,’ Manbula stated while gesturing with his hand towards his daughter sitting on a large log, ‘rest yourself as you must be tired from your long trek?’

‘And hungry,’ Shirl conscientiously added as Inga sat down, ‘I’ll fetch our brave warrior some food to fill his hungry belly,’ she added as she stood up, playfully scuffing his hair!

‘Thank you,’ Inga responded, appreciating her thoughtfulness, and liking her playfulness, ‘I do feel tired and hungry,’ he added as he gazed up at her staring down at him.

She stood there for a moment, looking intently into his eyes, searching for any reciprocal feelings that might be expressed there!

‘SHIRL,’ Manbula shouted, annoyed at her stalling, ‘be on your way!’

She felt a little embarrassed at being reprimanded, and promptly set off to hide her blushes!

‘Inga, how big was this tooth tiger again?’ Manbula enquired as he walked towards Inga.

Inga looked up with the utmost respect at the chief approaching him, a large framed man with a bulging stomach, and humorously stated for all to hear:

‘I see chief got big belly this summer!’

‘Chief store it up inside for winter,’ Manbula stated as he stood before Inga, ‘and you’re too thin,’ he added as he poked Inga’s slim stomach.

‘You’re like a big bear,’ Inga seriously stated, ‘thin in spring, then large in autumn.’

‘And he sleeps like big bear in winter,’ the chieftain’s partner, Saybe, quipped.

‘I’m ferocious like big bear,’ Manbula stated as he mimicked a bear swiping its claws, ‘ROAR!’

‘Inga will save us from that ferocious bear,’ Saybe stated, playfully mocking her partner as she squeezed her granddaughter, Becky, in a protective embrace!

‘Save us Inga,’ Becky called as the chief advanced upon her growling and swiping!

Inga sprang up, raced to his spear, then picked it up, holding it defensively out before him, saying:

‘Hey, big ferocious bear, leave females alone, come fight with Inga!’

‘ROAR, who is Inga?’

‘I’m a brave warrior of Ashanti tribe,’ he proudly stated as he flexed his upper torso to show off his muscles, ‘who is bear?’

‘Bear brave warrior of forest,’ Manbula responded, showing off his muscles too, ’bear is bigger than you!’

‘You are bigger than me,’ he agreed, ’but I’m a brave warrior of forest too, and I’m cleverer than you!’

‘That may be so,’ Manbula agreed, ’but I got big claws that will scratch you, and big teeth that will bite you,’ he added as he swiped the air and growled, showing off his teeth!

‘That may be so,’ Inga acknowledged, ‘but I got sharp spear that will stab you in your big, fat belly,’ he added as he prodded the air with the spear!

‘Bear got big, fat belly because I eat lots of meat,’ Manbula stated, ‘you’re meat, I’ll eat you,’ he added as he approached Inga while repeatedly swiping the air with both hands.

‘Get down on your hands and knees,’ Saybe interjected on Inga’s behalf.

The chief stopped, then turned to face her with a contorted expression of grievance upon his countenance, while sternly placing his hands on his hips, then stared at her for a short duration, dumbfounded by her playful mockery, as she knew he wouldn’t like to get on his hands and knees! Saybe, not fazed by his actions, as she was well used to this type of behavior, calmly stared back until he eventually spoke:

‘Woman, do you have to interfere so much, bears can also stand up you know!’

Suddenly, from out of the darkness, appeared Fist, Chief Manbula’s only son: dancing firelight eerily illuminated him as he approached the gathering.

‘That may be so father,’ Fist agreed, ‘but bears don’t walk on two legs,’ he added in a confident voice with an air of authority as he stood in front of the group.

‘Have you been watching us from the darkness?’ Manbula questioned Fist, ‘like a predator stalking its prey!’

‘No chief, like a son admiring his father,’ Fist sarcastically lied as he patted his father on the back.

‘Sit down then,’ Manbula barked at Fist, ‘you’re in the way standing there like a tree!’

Fist stared long and hard at his father with a contemptuous glare, then as an act of defiance, turned to face Becky with his arms outstretched.

‘Come to father, daughter,’ Fist said as he gestured with his hands, beckoning her to him.

Becky slipped from her grandmother’s embrace, then ran towards her father with open arms. Fist picked her up from under her arms, then playfully launched her high up into the air.

‘FIST,’ Saybe called, alarmed at how high her granddaughter had been thrown, ’that’s too high,’ she sharply added as Fist safely caught her.

Fist lovingly wrapped her in his arms, then held her tight as he span her around at speed: Becky giggled, enjoying the ride! He came to a stop, then stated to his mother:

‘Mother, you worry too much, Becky enjoys it!’

Fist glanced over at his father, who looked enraged and seemingly ready to erupt, and chose not to push him any further, so he went and casually sat down next to his mother with Becky sitting on his lap.

Chief Manbula stared after Fist seething, not appreciating his insolence, especially while they were in the company of others! After a few moments of composing himself, his frustration and anger subsided, leaving him once again to step into the character of the bear.

'ROAR,’ Manbula growled at Inga, ‘I will eat you for my hunger!’

‘I’ll keep warm in winter with your fur coat,’ Inga responded as he slowly advanced upon Chief Manbula.

‘Put your spear down,’ Manbula said as Inga prodded the air in front of him, ‘and fight like a bear,’ he added as he swiped at the spear!

‘But I’m not a bear,’ Inga stated as he circled Chief Manbula, keeping him at bay by constantly stabbing at the space before him, waiting for an opportunity to strike!

‘I’m going to stab your big, fat belly now with my spear, and kill you dead!’

‘You can try,’ Manbula stated as he defensively backed off a little.

Inga pushed forward, driving Chief Manbula backwards, towards those who were seated! Seconds later, Fist realized that his oath of a father would soon back into him and Becky, so quickly stood up, placing Becky down on the ground, then defensively behind him. Chief Manbula swiped at the spear with his hands while taking a step backwards, then was suddenly shocked to find himself being pushed forward at speed in the dangerous direction of the spear! Inga quickly stepped aside, narrowly avoiding contact with Chief Manbula, who sped past him sprawling to the dusty ground!

Chief Manbula rose to his hands and knees to gather himself, which instantly caused him to think of the earlier comments to do so; he turned to cast Saybe a seething glance of indignation, and was met with some curious looks by all! Chief Manbula lifted himself up, shook the dust from off himself, then casually turned to face his aggressor. Fist instantly picked up Becky, a protective measure to try and ensure a peaceful resolution!

‘You push me,‘ Manbula stated to Fist, ‘then you pick up Becky before I can push you back! I thought you was a brave warrior!’

‘I pushed my father, not chief,’ Fist stated trying to influence a lesser offence, ‘as you was going to squash Becky,’ he added in his defense!

‘Why didn’t you just stop I, instead of pushing I?’ Manbula rightly reasoned to Fist!

Fist just stood there, defiantly staring back at his father. Shirl suddenly appeared, carrying a folded animal skin with food in it, which averted Chief Manbula’s attention away from Fist, who was appreciative of the diversion. Shirl casually strolled past Chief Manbula, indifferent to the proceeds at hand, and approached Inga with a sparkle in her eye and a spring in her step!

‘Inga,’ Shirl cheerily said as she offered out the parcel, ‘this is for you, fill your hungry belly!

‘I thank you, Shirl, may the sun and moon gods bless you,’ Inga sincerely stated as he accepted the package of food.

‘Inga eat now,’ Manbula considerately stated, then angrily turned to face Fist, barking as he pointed to the carcass, ‘go and take that dear to the storage hut.’

‘Deer Inga’s kill, let him take it,’ Fist reasoned in protest as he cast Inga a scornful glare.

‘I’ll take it,’ Inga politely gestured, feeling a little uncomfortable at Fist’s distress, but not appreciating the sentiments in which it was expressed!

‘Nonsense,’ Manbula barked, ’Fist will take it - WON’T YOU!’

Fist stared long and hard at his father before placing Becky down, then reluctantly and pensively shuffled his way over to the deer, resenting the fact of labouring for Inga! Fist cursed his father and Inga in his mind as he despondently bent down to pick up the carcass, then as an act of strength rather than obedience, grabbed it by its legs, heaved it over his shoulders, then ambivalently marched away, feeling proud at his prowess, but indignant of the task!

Inga relaxed from the tension the situation had arisen in him, feeling a sense of relief that it now seemed resolved! He sat down where he was on the ground with his legs folded, then opened up the folded skin before him, which contained many strips of cooked meat, a few raw vegetables, an apple and a pear. He picked up a piece of meat, then hungrily chewed on it, liking its taste and texture. Chief Manbula walked over to him, then sat down next to him, facing the group.

‘You’re a brave warrior killing big, tooth tiger,’ Manbula stated, ’tribe proud of you. The sun and moon gods are indeed watching over you. You worry us coming back late. Meat nice, eh?’ He mentioned as Inga picked up another piece of meat, ’you shouldn’t hunt so far away!’

‘It wasn’t so far,’ Inga stated before eating the meat in his hand , ’I was hunting most of the day with no kill, then when I get a kill, it takes from sunlight to moonlight to drag deer back, and I was in a tree for ages,’ he added as he put the meat in his mouth.

‘You’re a skilled hunter, we’ll cook deer tomorrow,’ Manbula stated as he scratched his chin beneath his short beard, then after a moment’s pause, pensively added as he turned to face Inga, ’Fist should be more like you - you were respectful to your father wasn’t you Inga?’

Inga nodded as he chewed on his meat, fondly recalling his father.

‘It was a bad time when your family died two summers ago,’ Manbula sadly stated.

‘And Shy’s family,’ Inga interjected after swallowing the meat in his mouth.

‘Yes, and Shy’s family,’ Manbula agreed, ‘and many more!’

‘Ashanti tribe were cursed with a terrible sickness that spread quickly,’ Manbula stated recalling the somber occasion, ’may the spirits of those that passed now protect us,’ he added as he placed his right arm around Inga’s shoulders, gently comforting him for his loss.

Inga appreciated the gesture, and felt a great fondness for Chief Manbula.

‘You have Shy now,’ Manbula stated as he withdrew his arm, ‘she and baby are your family now.’

‘Ashanti tribe also Inga’s family,’ Inga stated, then after a moment’s pause, added ‘baby will come soon, Shy’s belly is very big.’

‘May the sun and moon gods bless you with a boy,’ Manbula hopefully stated as he looked up to the moon.

‘Shy’s belly is so big, it must be a boy,’ Inga reasoned as he picked up a raw carrot, then took a bite of it.

‘Shy will make a great mother,’ Manbula commented with sincerity, ’and you’ll make a great father.’

‘Where is Shy?’ Manbula asked as he scanned around the fire for a possible glimpse of her: many villagers were sitting and standing close to it, some discernable, lit up by the flames, with others silhouetted in the moonlight.

‘She was tired and has gone to rest in our hut.’

‘Your bed will be warm then,’ Manbula reasoned with a smile, which reminded him to ask, ‘what will you do with tooth tiger skin?’

Inga thought for a moment, grasping the sentiments behind the question, and while he was going to give the fur as a gift to Shy, he thought it more befitting now to offer it to the chief, who would wear the garment for prestige and honour!

‘Consider it yours,’ Inga gladly stated, ’I’ll get some tribesmen to go and retrieve the tooth tiger with I in the morning.’

‘Thank you Inga,’ Manbula said with a beaming smile as he briefly hugged Inga, ’you’ve made Chief Manbula a very happy man. I will think of your bravery each time I wear it.’

‘I’m happy to make you happy, and proud to make you proud.’

‘I’ll feel proud to wear tooth tiger skin,’ Manbula stated, ‘I’ll come with you in the morning, we’ll take ten of our strongest tribesmen with us,’ he enthusiastically added as he stood up, ‘I’ll go and organise it now.’

Inga finished his carrot off as he watched Chief Manbula walking away, who then stopped to speak to some tribesmen around the glowing fire. Shirl promptly made her way over to Inga after seeing her father leave him, then sat down in front of him.

‘Do you like the food?’ Shirl enquired.

‘Yes, I like the food,’ Inga replied as he picked up a large piece of raw cauliflower, ’belly nearly full now.’

‘That’s good,’ she stated as she gazed at him, transfixed by his handsomeness and muscular form, ’it’s not nice to be hungry.’

‘I wasn’t hungry for long,’ Inga said after swallowing the food in his mouth, ‘what have you been doing today?’ He curiously added as he took another bite of the cauliflower.

She enthusiastically relayed to Inga what she had been doing through the day, leaving no small detail out! Inga listened with interest, acknowledging what she was saying with the odd not of his head, in-between eating his food. A moth suddenly flew into Inga’s face, startling him, causing him to drop the piece of cauliflower. Shirl stopped what she was saying, then stared at him amused for a short duration.

‘What are you smiling at?’ Inga knowingly asked, feeling coy.

‘I’m smiling at you, you fight big tooth tiger, yet scared of a little moth,’ she stated, enjoying teasing him.

‘I’m not scared of little moth,’ Inga indignantly objected as he picked up his cauliflower from off the dusty ground, then felt a little shame for dropping it.

Inga dusted off the dirt with his hands, then looked up at Shirl, still gazing at him amused.

‘Moths are blind and stupid,’ he stated, pondering the little creatures, ’they fly into your face and dangerously close to the fire flames.’

‘Are flies blind and stupid then,’ Shirl curiously asked in all seriousness.

‘Butterflies aren’t blind and stupid,’ Inga responded, deep in thought.

‘I was asking about flies!’ Shirl protested, bemused at his response!

‘I know, but I was thinking about butterflies. They don’t fly in your face, even when a wind blows them near you. And they float about so playfully, not like moths who are clumsy!’

‘Butterflies are beautiful,’ Shirl pleasantly stated, ‘not like moths, who are ugly,’ she added with a grimace.

‘Butterflies are pleasurable while moths are annoying,’ Inga stated, then took a bite of his piece of cauliflower, chewed on it, swallowed it, then added, ‘moths are ugly to us, but handsome and beautiful to each other.’

‘Are we handsome and beautiful to each other?’ She brazenly asked.

Inga was taken aback at her directness, and momentarily shocked, causing him to gape at her in disbelief: she was beautiful; long, straight, black hair that glistened in the firelight; glossy eyes that had a look of innocence; cute small nose; full, wide lips; slim frame. Inga gathered his thoughts before replying:

‘You are very beautiful, and may be as tall as a tribesman, but you’re still only young.’

‘I’m fourteen summer’s old,’ she protested.

‘I love Shy!’

‘You’re only nineteen winters old,’ She argued, disregarding Inga’s last comment.

‘I love Shy,’ Inga sternly repeated, then quietly added ‘she’s having my baby.’

‘I could have your baby,’ she seriously stated.

‘You’re like a sister to me,’ Inga responded, aggrieved at her stubbornness, ‘and I love Shy,’ he adamantly added.

‘You love I too,‘ she poignantly stated.

‘As a sister,’ Inga reasoned, ’not as a partner.’

‘You already love me,’ she stubbornly reasoned in a hushed, sad voice.

‘As a sister,’ Inga argued, annoyed at her persistence.

‘I don’t like you anymore,’ Shirl sobbed, dejected, ‘and I hope another tooth tiger eats you,’ she added as she smothered her face with her hands, hiding herself from further embarrassment!

Inga stretched out his arm, then lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. He stayed like that for a short duration, while he contemplated what to do, when Shirl suddenly stood up.

‘I’m going to leave you now,’ she angrily stated as she wiped the flowing tears on her wet cheeks with the backs of her hands, ‘and I hope to never see you again,’ she venomously added as she stormed off in a huff, momentarily hating Inga, and feeling deeply sorry for herself!

Inga watched her go, and felt distressed at her anguish, and worried how she’d react on their next encounter, especially if he were with Shy! He ate thereafter deep in thought, hardly noticing his surroundings as he stared blankly into the space before him. Fist’s booming voice greeting Saybe and Becky stirred him back to reality, and he contemptuously stared at him for his lack of respect earlier. Inga picked up his apple, then took a large bite of it, appreciating it quenching his thirst as juice dripped down his beard. Fist glanced over at him staring, causing Inga to quickly look away feeling caught out! Inga finished his apple, ate his pear, picked up the empty skin and his spear, then stood up, bracing himself as he strolled over to confront Fist!

‘Why do you be disrespectful to your father, our chief,’ Inga loudly stated as he approached Fist from behind, cutting him off from his conversation with his mother.

Fist turned to face Inga with a malicious grin on his countenance, and looked down on him with contempt as he said:

‘Why do you be disrespectful to me, you come over here and rudely interrupt me while I’m speaking to my mother.’

Inga stared for a moment, dumbfounded and temporarily speechless at the counter attack.

‘Sorry Saybe,’ Inga eventually said as he turned to face her, ‘I didn’t mean to rudely interrupt you.’

‘But you did, didn’t you!’ Saybe sarcastically stated, sticking up for her son.

‘You come over here questioning I,’ Fist seethed at Inga, ’when you have no authority to. Don’t you know that I’ll be chief of Ashanti tribe one day, you won’t question I then, will you!’

 ‘You’ll always be very questionable,’ Inga quipped with a smile, then regretting his whit as Saybe’s eyes bore into him.

‘You think you’re special because my father is fond of you! Well you’re not. You’re a nobody to I, just a little bug I could squash at any moment,’ Fist stated, then bit a large bite out of a chunk of cooked meat he had in his hand.

‘You should be grateful you have a father, as some others don’t,’ Inga seriously stated.

‘Are you still mourning your father, then?’ Saybe sorrowfully asked Inga, ‘he was a brave warrior. You take after him in many ways!’

‘I mourn remembering the good times,’ Inga sadly stated, ‘which sometimes makes I sad and happy.’

‘And you’re sad now are you?’ Fist sarcastically asked Inga, ‘what makes I sad is how you dote on my father as if he were your father, when he is not!’

‘Leave Inga alone,’ Saybe interjected to Fist, empathizing with Inga, ‘he killed a tooth tiger today.’

‘And I’ll kill one tomorrow,’ Fist enviously stated as he took a bite from his meat.

‘You won’t see a tooth tiger tomorrow,’ Saybe said after quickly weighing up the likelihood.

‘I might,’ Fist stated with a mouthful of meat, ‘who knows when you might chance upon one!’

‘Well if you do chance upon one, I’m sure you’ll be as brave as Inga was!’ Saybe suggested.

‘I wouldn’t want to chance upon another one,’ Inga stated, ‘I’d be quite happy to never see one again!’

‘Where’s Shy?’ Saybe asked Inga, ‘she was with you earlier!’

Fist tensely stiffened at the mention of Shy, then regained himself by intently and hatefully staring at Inga.

‘She’s gone to our hut to rest.’

‘And so she should,‘ Saybe empathised, ‘especially to rest her feet. I know what it’s like,’ she added as she cast Fist a scornful glance, and was surprised to see him staring as he was!

‘Come on Becky,’ Fist said to his daughter, not wanting to share Inga’s company for a moment longer ‘let’s take you to your mother who can put you in bed.

‘Goodnight Becky,’ Inga said as he fondly looked down upon her, ‘sweet dreams!’

Fist resented Inga talking to Becky, and was keen to hurry her along.

‘But I’m not tired father,’ Becky protested, ‘and I don’t want to go.’

‘Hug you grandmother and let’s go. Do as you’re told.’

She bade as she was told, but with deliberate mischievousness, as she gave Saybe an extra ordinary long hug.

Fist waited with little patience, and grabbed her hand to lead her away, regardless of them still hugging. Becky was reluctant to let go of her grandmother, but slowly released her grasp as she was forcefully pulled away.

‘Goodnight Becky,’ Saybe said, surprised at Fist’s eagerness.

‘I don’t want to go father,’ she protested as she dug her heels hard into the ground, stubbornly trying to prevent herself from being dragged away.

‘Goodnight mother,’ Fist called behind him as he walked away, feeling a little guilty at having not hugged her in his haste, ’I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘Bye,’ Saybe quietly uttered as she stared after them leaving while gently waving to Becky, who turned frequently, despairingly looking back at them.

They stood and sat there in silence, both thinking their individual perspectives on reasoning Fist’s, rash behaviour! Shirl eventually spoke as she looked up at Inga:

‘You’ll have a child of your own soon, and you’ll feel very protective of your baby. And why shouldn’t you, as they are in essence you, or part of you. Fist takes after my father in so many ways - may his spirit protect us - and is not so much like his own father!’

‘And that saddens you?’

She stared at him, surprised by his comment, and wondered whether she should take offence, but from what context, as she had been expressing sadness!

‘Does it sadden I that Fist is like my own father?’ Saybe eventually asked, curious to root out any negative sentiments.

‘No, does it sadden you that Fist is not like his own father.

‘Fist is himself, regardless of the similarities he expresses,’ she sternly stated.

‘Fist will be chief one day,’ Inga said, then delicately added, ‘may he become more like his father, who is a great chief to serve!’

Saybe felt obliged to agree, on a surface level, as the chief was her partner, but in her mind she was cursing Inga’s expressive dislike for her son, and now felt a little uncomfortable in his presence, causing her to irritably fidget in silence. Inga saw that she was distressed, and casually looked about to busy himself from the tense, awkwardness he felt. He felt a compelling need to yawn, and stretch, but wrestled with this urge as he knew it was just a habitual feeling he felt when he was ill at ease, and Saybe’s focus would once again rest on him if he did so. He wanted to abruptly walk away, but didn’t want to leave her upset with him, and thought long and hard what he could perhaps say that might bring her back around to his favour! Saybe distracted herself by idly fiddling about with her fingers, while blankly staring at them! Inga cautiously watched her from the corner of his eye, absorbing her uneasiness.

‘Shy should have a boy from her sheer size,’ Inga finally said, ‘and I hope he’ll be as tall as Fist!’

‘Fist is tall,’ she proudly uttered while pondering his size, ‘and broad.’

‘That he is,’ Inga agreed, pleased that she’d perked up a little ‘and he’s strong.’

‘The strongest in the village,’ she enthusiastically added.

‘He loves Becky so much,’ Inga sincerely stated, pleased at his progress, ’and you can see her face light up with joy when he plays with her.’

‘It’s nice to see isn’t it?’ She cheerfully stated with a warm smile, ’and I’m sure you and your child will have a similar bond.’

‘Thank you, Saybe, you’re a sweet person,’ Inga charmingly said, ‘and a beautiful partner for our chief!’

‘I’m not so beautiful,’ Saybe modestly stated, appreciating the comment, ‘I’m old and past beautiful,’ she exaggerated as she acted coy.

‘I hope to live to your age one day, and if I do, I’m sure Shy will be as beautiful as you are.’

‘Thank you, Inga, you’re a sweet person too,’ she reciprocated from one of his previous comments, ‘I feel fortunate to have lived so long.

‘How many seasons are you?’ Inga curiously asked.

‘Forty eight springs.’

‘A good season to be born,’ Inga stated, ‘with mild weather and summer on its way.’

‘Yes,’ Saybe agreed, ‘I do look forward to summer in spring,’ she enthusiastically added.

‘And winter,’ Inga added.

'What?’ Saybe asked, a little confused to his response.

‘We look forward to summer in winter, also,’ Inga clarified, understanding her bemusement.

‘That we do. I don’t like winter at all.’

‘It’s a hardship for us,’ Inga stated, ‘a trying time to persevere.’

‘And endure,’ Saybe added as she hugged herself with a warm embrace, envisaging and mimicking the cold in winter.

‘Before we know it, that cursed season will be upon us again,’ Inga bitterly stated, ‘and there’ll be more deaths to encounter!’

‘Let’s not think of winter now,’ Saybe said after a long pause deliberating the season, ‘let us think of summer and the happiness it brings.’

‘I am happier in summer,’ Inga stated, ‘I’m more cheerful and playful.’

‘And it’s nice to see, and can cheer others up too. I watch Becky for ages sometimes, enjoying her frolicking. You‘ll experience that soon.’

‘Speaking of the baby,’ Inga responded as he put the skin in his hand onto the tree trunk next to Saybe, ‘I better go and see how Shy is. May the sun and moon gods bless you.’

‘And you,‘ Saybe said as Inga left to leave, ‘tell her I send warm wishes.’

‘I will,’ Inga called back, ‘see you tomorrow.’


‘Yes, see you tomorrow,’ she mumbled under her breath as Inga faded into the night.


Inga pulled the flap of animal hide to one side, and crouched through the entrance to his and Shy’s hut. The hut was dark inside, and he took a few moments to become accustomed to it. Slowly Shy’s sleeping form became distinguishable, and he gazed lovingly down at her for a short duration while she slept. He leant his spear up against the wall, then slipped under the furs next to Shy, laying on a bed of straw with animal hides strewn over it. Shy had her back to him, so he cuddled up close to her, lovingly wrapping his arm around her, which caused her to stir. She lay there for a few moments liking his embrace, absorbing his love, then smiled as she turned to face him.


‘Have you been lapping up your popularity?’ she teasingly asked.


‘Would you have I ignore everyone?’


‘Yes, if it means spending more time with I,’ she mocked, goading him.


‘You don’t mean that,’ he knowingly stated.


‘Do you think I’m mean and selfish wanting you all to myself?’


‘Not at all, I think it’s rather cute: an endearing quality. Do you think I’m mean and selfish wanting to spend time with others?’


‘Only when you seem to forget about I waiting for you!’


‘But you’re always waiting for I!’


‘When you’re with I I’m not waiting - am I?’


‘You should try not to be so worried when I’m out hunting,’ he conscientiously stated in all seriousness, recalling her wet cheeks, ‘which causes you to be upset.’


‘You were late coming back,’ she innocently protested, then instantly felt guilty for her earlier lie, but felt no shame for it, ’and I can’t help but worry,’ she truthfully added.


‘Well, don’t worry too much,’ he stated, ’I’m a strong warrior.’


‘And I’m a strong worrier,’ she sincerely responded, ’and you could have been killed by that tooth tiger!’


‘But you didn’t know that until I came back and told you.’


‘There are many predators to worry about while you’re hunting through the forests alone.’


‘That may be so, but I have my trusty spear to defend myself with.’


‘And predators have big claws and teeth to attack with. Why do you have to be so foolish and hunt alone at times?’


‘Sometimes I like my own company,’ he defensively responded, ’and sometimes I like to think a lot instead of talking a lot.’


‘But you’re so stubborn. Are not four spears safer than one?’


‘It only takes one spear to kill an animal.’


‘But you are vulnerable on your own, and make yourself easy prey to predators!’


‘I’m not easy prey,’ he objected, ‘which will be evidenced tomorrow when I bring back the body of the tooth tiger.’


‘That tooth tiger could just have easily killed you, rather than you killing it,’ she stated, deeply concerned for his safety.


‘And any roaming tooth tiger could easily kill any of us while we’re not within the safety of our village, including you while you’re out bathing in the river or searching for herbs and vegetables in the forest!’


Shy new how obstinate he was, and chose not to pursue the matter any further that evening, choosing instead to try and focus on the positives of his killing the tooth tiger.


‘We’re all so proud of you, you’re so brave,’ she sincerely stated in a source of ambivalence as she gently caressed her hand over his exposed shoulder. 


‘I know you are. And I understand your worry, but where would we be if we never ventured from the village because of the threat of predators!’


‘I’ve never seen a tooth tiger before, I’ve just heard many stories about them.’


‘Well we’ll soon remedy that, I’m going with the chief and ten others to retrieve the body in the morning.’


‘So I won’t see you all day tomorrow as well,’ she griped as she thought how she’d pass through the next day without him, ‘I miss you terribly already. At least I won’t worry so much tomorrow, with you having the security of others protecting you.’


‘Enough about I, what about you? How have you spent your day?’


‘You know how I spend my days,’ she stated as she mischievously pushed his shoulder back, ‘waiting and worrying for you!’


‘Besides that. What have you been doing and who have you been speaking to?’


‘I’ve been doing little and talking a lot.’


‘That’s not much of an answer,’ he responded, feeling a little rejected at her lack of enthusiasm.


‘Well, the question seemed to be asked blandly, and with insincerity!’


‘I’m sorry if it sounded as such,’ he sincerely apologised, ‘let I ask the question again. How has your day been and with whose company have you shared it with?’ he added in a warm, soft tone, trying to express himself in a loving, caring way.


‘I understand you’re absorbed in your conquest with the tooth tiger, and rightly and justly so,’ she stated as she tenderly held his hand, ’but I want you to focus on I now, and not be distracted by your pride!’


‘I will,’ he said as he pulled her close to him, feeling her bulging stomach pressing up against his as he lovingly hugged her, then conscientiously added, ’I have much pride for you too you know!’


‘Which is nice, but one pride is different to the other pride.’


‘One pride, two pride, are they not both prides.’


‘One pride is for killing, and the other pride is for loving.’


‘You have pride for killing,’ he genuinely stated, ‘as you have pride for I when I kill.’


‘But I’m not wholly focused on killing, just partially, while your absorbed and distracted by it at the moment. Focus on loving while you’re with I, and killing when you’re out hunting.’


‘I think of our love while I’m out hunting. I think of you constantly, no matter where I am or what I’m doing!’


‘Have you thought to kiss I yet?’ She abruptly mentioned.


‘But we’ve been talking,’ he protested in innocence, yet still felt guilty, ’and . . .’


Inga was cut short as Shy moved in to kiss him, passionately moving her lips over his, expressing her deep affection for him. Inga reciprocated, and got lost in the moment, as loving feelings burst forth from inside him, overflowing from the outlet of his lips, expressing heart-felt emotions and lustful inclinations! Shy felt his lust, but would not sexually act upon it, choosing instead to calm him down a little.


‘You’re getting excited,’ she stated in earnest, ’and I’m heavily pregnant! Go and throw yourself in the river and calm down,’ she teased, a jibe to strike a chord with his arousal!


‘Woman, you’re cruel,’ he responded with understanding, ’I need to bathe, but for cleanliness, and not for that reason!’


‘You sound like the chief saying ’woman’, ’she replied, ’can’t you think of your own words to use!’


‘I’ll use I own words, and hopefully to better effect,’ he sincerely stated with some phrases in mind to converse to her, ’but first you’ll have to be nice to I.’


‘In what way shall I be nice,’ she responded, thinking the obvious from his perspective, ‘would you have I lie here distressed while you take I! I’m not in the mood, and I’m as big as an ox, feeling very unattractive!’


‘You’re beautiful, woman,’ he said in all seriousness, while also teasing her, ‘and an ox is beautiful and handsome to other oxen.’


‘That’s a clever way to think,’ she acknowledged, ‘but are there no ugly oxen for an oxen to think otherwise!’


‘Trust you to find a flaw in I reasoning. If I was on ox, I’d take pleasure in seeing other females naked all day long!’


‘Oxen don’t dress, that’s true,’ she concluded, ‘but I now know you like watching other female skin!’


‘Do you have to turn a nice sentiment into an argument,’ he griped, annoyed at her negativity ‘I meant I’d enjoy watching you being naked all day long.’


‘Well, you should express yourself with more clarity. Am I a mind reader to understand your thoughts?’


‘But you understand I, and I devotion to you. And from that you should not read negatives from positives in the things I say!’


‘Alright,’ she said, ‘let I think of something similar to say, and see if you reason likewise to I,’ she added, toying around with similar expressions to relate, after a little thought, she finally said, ‘I find men who treat their women respectfully to be handsome in appeal! What do you think?’


Inga smiled as he solely thought of himself, taking the sentiments singularly, instead of plural, and if his beaming face could light up the dark, the hut would be lit up as if it were day! His misconception was based upon his own respect to Shy, which held no bounds, so he was self-absorbed in his own actions, and thought little of others of a similar essence!


‘I think you’re beautiful,’ he responded, catching up with his earlier thoughts to use his own words, ‘and you shine radiance, bright like our god, the sun. You are like a god to I, as I worship you in my prayers.’


‘You’re so clever with words,’ she admitted, feeling touched by the expression, then because of his stubbornness in her reasoning previously, she goaded with a smug grin, ‘what, only in your prayers am I worshipped!’

Copyright Andrew Stevenson



  1. Hi, Andrew! Thank you for this! I haven't read yet, because I'm going to print it off. That way it's easier on my eyes. Take care, Andrew!

  2. No worries. In your own time my lovable friend. Good lucky lucky, f

  3. Sorry my finger's axedently cut me off. Sense thre tone, there's a negative, plus a positive, which you rrr a good friend. Just getting shit out the way --- sorry for sweating, I mean swearing on my honour
