
Saturday 29 June 2024

Keep Not Asleep

 I have just awakened from a deep, replenishing slumber from being under my covers. I am feeling tranquillity with being free from the mental health ward. I am so happy now, not experiencing an ow, as I have got seeds to sow, so you can go slow with a grow growing my philosophy, philanthropy, ecstatic ecstasy shared and cared for in our conceptional, exceptional reality!

I'll go and have a brew, cuppa, tea, hot drink, beverage, and I'll add milkshake milk with it so it is tastier from the 'norm', now born to not be scorn. I'll have cereal with a shake as well, similarly to Coco-Pops, of which I'm sure rice crispies would taste nicer with a milkshake platter. I'll bake some toast, and wonder what it is like. I will make some scrambled egg, and stir it, whisk it, mix it, lightly so the yoke can be seen heartedly, as I like a hearty breakfast.

I have just had my breakfast, and wondered about the origins of the word 'breakfast'? And it obviously comes from a Christianity source, as in to break a fast! Probably an archaic word from Monks or Nuns. What came first, tree, or treat? I think it is logic that the word 'tree' came first, and then a 'treat' was picking a fruit from a tree. It is not dissimilar to crime, and criminals. You can find logic in some essences in expressive expressions that express a prefix, then an added suffix.

If you think logically, you can find answers with this logical logic. Such as Joseph and Jesus were illustrated in the Biblical New Testament as being both carpenters, so logic would have they lived near wood sources, such as a forest, as transporting a tree back in Biblical times would have been a great effort. I used to think that Jesus lived in a barren land, but their were birds in the New Testament, so there must have been trees for them to nest in - and worms for them to eat. So from this logical logic, you can deduct that Jesus lived in lush surroundings. And in a plush environment, as joseph would have been earning a crust, from his carpentry, so Jesus would have been fed and had a comfy bed to lay down his head. And Joseph must have been a jew of influence, as Jesus got to read the scriptures, and only the hierarchy would have had the Holy Books. If you think logically, for a scribe to pen the Old Testament, it must have taken a great deal of time and effort, and he would have been praised with a payment for the duration of writing.

So use your own common-sense, when something seems to be pretence, and sit on a fence until you are sure of yourself with what you are analysing, researching, reading, looking, pondering, wondering, and thinking?

Try trial and error, a get to gather platter that can get fatter with batter? I emulate Jesus talking in parables, to make you think to the brink of sink or swim with Him? Have you tried baking scrambled egg, or baking it. Try adding compliments, such as cheesy scrambled egg, etc. That's what commerce companies do, such as we have cherry flavoured coke now, etc, honey flavoured whisky, etc. Use your own imagination, ingenuity, intellect, common sense, and if you don't like a produced product, discard it, but I'm sure children, kids, youngsters will, or mighty might, like milkshake in mashed potatoes. You could try mash made with no milk, but just with butter, cream, mayonaise, etc.

It's been enlightening. Until next time. Goodbye. Good bye. Farewell. Tra. Adios. Love love, Andrew.

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