
Tuesday 25 June 2024

To Eva Cassidy With Love And REgret

The devil picked you Eva, a beautiful rose, and cursed you with his seed,

In your innocence with your blossomed life blooming grew his evil deed,

Yet if he had known your soul he would have been beautifully entranced,

Then instead of causing your death, with your life he might have danced.

A waterfall of mournful tears of regret will forever meet the cost

Of your mortal body taken and a radiant beauty eternally lost,

Which can be seen the world over in your smiling Songbird face - 

An immortal image captured of Mother Nature's nurtured grace. 

 You've now conquered your rainbow and are now its gold

Singing mediated, harmonious tunes that were so foretold

From inspirations to aspirations that hairs can stand on end

By all who feel and love you so - an ever increasing trend.

Our hearts are your Holy Grail, in our love your vocals bloom like flowers in spring,

Melodic echoes of high and low pitches resonate there when you so beautifully sing.

You're in our veins Eva Cassidy, permeating our whole being, a pure addiction sold

Where the high is your enchanting, celestial voice singing melodies before untold.

The air you breathed is still with us, it now rides the gentle breeze - 

Whispering through the forests you loved and surfing the waves of seas'.

And wherever the breeze may wonder, or the tempestuous wind can roam,

You can still be heard - from the rustling leaves to the thrashing ocean foam.

Andrew Stevenson 30/10/2017

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