
Saturday 29 June 2024

A Profiteering Prophet

 A prophet was prophesising In the market square. He was ranting and raving at those misbehaving. He said if there is God, you will be damned in damnation in segregation separation. He will smite you with her mighty might for the sake or righteousness seriousness. The crowd that were crowded around him looked about at any sorrowful expressions expressed expressively with guilt. They fixated their gazing wonder on the criminal to ponder his fate, a date not to late with God at the Devil's gate.

A member of the crowd spoke out loud, 'I'm in a shroud, as I am not proud of my sin against all of my kin, which you all are, and from afar I pray for forgiveness, as I repent, and will now relent, on being hell-bent on not abiding to Lent'. The prophet responded, 'it is not too late to go on a date of your fate. I see you have a course of remorse, so Godly God might not smite at you a tripe, and even though He is out of sight, your hype at his gripe will be goodnight to His flight of a date with fate. I see compassion in your passion for no-more aggression, so with your new found suppression, you've been taught a lesson, and a class taught is a lesson learned, so be learned and pray unto Him that you now feel sorry for your sin against your kin, as we are all brother's and Sister's unto Him, so hide your pride and abide by the tide of incoming, and out going, waving of behaving, and be humble in our wooden jungle, and don't mumble, but be proud with being loud'.

Passers by stopped and joined the throng of belong by not doing wrong. The crowd got to a mass, with every class, poor in spirit not with it, and the rich in wellbeing, now seeing the judgmental error of their way, as to play ball with all is a Godly call not to stall. As a mass, now one class before the prophet, he preached telepathy within the spirit of being a hit, and not in the shit, as the Holy Ghost was a toast to boast with being a host in you mind, so you might find peace of mind in kind kindly nature to nurture with fervour behaviour not so graver in a wavour to saviour.

The prophet was a hit at giving out stick to those mindful of not being with-it, but having a shit mentality of a gravity to others, 'we are all sisters and brothers, so be lovers with each others. Lay your care laid bare, and do not stare in disbelief at what I preach, as we are al brethren, so don't punish a heathen for not believing in heavenly heaven, as they too are forgiven for being blind in their hind. We are all God's children, so LOVE our Father like no other, and assist Mother Nature, who is God's partner in blooming bloom'.

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