
Sunday 16 June 2024

A Host To Roast

 I have just had a host dinner,

I don't like a roast by a player,

But I like a giraffe like anyone

But it can be cruel to eat gruel

As Oliver twist dissed this dish

And fish can be fishy smelling

Of a stink in a sink compelling

Of a slaying while swimmingly

We're eating swelling fishing

Rather than fasting everlasting.

Sorry to be cryptic, but Jesus was also in parables, and I'm emulating hymn as an enigma passion, I mean fashion? To my fellow blogger's who are in fellowship with my posts please can you take the time to leave a comment - even if it's just to say 'high', I mean (hi), it would make me so happy to conhearse/converse with sum, I mean some of yourselves. I get about 200 views a day with little or know (I mean 'no') responsive responses. Thank you kindly. Love your love for my poetic poetry in motion poems.


  1. I wrote the writing I've written as my writing "a host dinner' is expressed as it's expresses the expressive expression that my roast dinner was cooked for me by member of staff who was a host to toast he can boast cooking a roast

  2. This is a terse expression of mine that curtails a word or words worded in a prison sentence for the sentenced sentence serving to serve a sentencing which eye have judged to be a curtailed terse worded word within a sentence couplet

  3. John - I enjoyed this poem - was particularly surprised by the word ‘Giraffe’ which popped up

  4. It's cockney rhyming slang for 'laugh". And a roast by a player empathises my distaste to footballers lining up a vulnerable female who can be taking advantage of.
