
Monday 24 June 2024

A Bright Star

 Lady Gaga has an extreme idiosyncrasy style, and is supreme in her eccentricity on screen, as seen in her videos and shows, where she releases laudable erotica, to a mania hysteria of devout male followers in droves, and as she parades in her skimpy clothes, we come out of our closets, in the sense of no  appetence. 

She is aplomb in her posture and stature, and with nurture takes this to heights of sights, which is ripe for plucking by us watching, as she is innovative in how she is creative, and once related, we are sated with her essence, especially with her ingenuity. Her popularity is a testament to her transcendent prudence in supplication perseverance.

Idiosyncrasy denotes: quirk, a way of behaving, thinking, and feeling that it is peculiar to an individual or group, especially an odd or unusual one.

Eccentricity denotes: a quality of being unconventional, especially in a whimsical way.

Laudable denotes: admirable and worthy of praise.

Erotica denotes: art or literature intended to arouse sexual desire by portraying sex in an explicit way.

Appetence denotes: a desire or longing for something.

Aplomb denotes: confidence, skill, poise, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances.

Sated denotes: to satisfy completely someone's hunger or some other desire.

Transcendent denotes: superior in quality or achievement.

Prudence denotes: having good sense in dealing with practical matters.

Supplication denotes: something someone can do for someone else.

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