
Tuesday 25 June 2024

A Tune In My Room

 I'm listening to Rihanna

The superstar pop singer,

She is tunefully in tune

With her voice in bloom,

I like her R&B groove

Which soothes my mood,

I've got on a mega-mix

Featuring all or her hits.

I think she is beautiful,

And she is aptly fruitful

In a palatable tasty taste - 

She's elegance with grace.

I like her sense of fashion

That she wears with passion.

 Andrew Stevenson 01/07/2018

A Superstar So Far

I'm listening to Rihanna

The superstar pop singer,

She is so a sight to savour

With her sexy behaviour,

Some videos are explicit

And I think she is so fit,

Her tracks to me are a hit - 

None of them being shit.

The Only Girl In The World

Who dates the odd Rude Boy,

I like her on the bed curled

Acting quite naughtily coy.

Rihanna is so very fanciable

As she's incredibly beautiful.

Andrew Stevenson 07/01,2019


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