
Sunday, 23 June 2024

I Am A Utopian

I Am A Utopian

Life can be a struggle at the best of times, with doom and gloom written in many expressions,
And some of these people drag their feet as they move through their sad and sorry existence,
And they can stare into blank space with a mentality of being suppressed by suppressions,
As affluent, hierarchy technocrats ply their trade of capitalistic sense with some appetence.
We share a little, and starve a lot, as so many in our big world go hungry,
And poverty strives on and on, and so very often without a second thought,
But when you’ve experienced suffering, this can influence some prosperity
Of intellectual giving, as often awareness is a source of sharing an ought.
A lot of the rich stay rich, and a lot of the poor stay poor, which is widely evidenced,
But is this factor commonly addressed by our western politicians – a little from a lot,
And while this situation and circumstance persists, our voices are widely silenced,
As the lower classes are deemed low-life’s and are given a little from a large pot.
With so much giving elsewhere, and so much taking, comes forsaking aching,
As to hand out a little from a lot to the poor, is making them feel sore to the core,
Especially when they see politicians lapping up a life of luxury with spending
Indiscriminately, resulting in those of a lesser degree watching on enviously.
© Andrew Stevenson 09/03/2017
An edited piece.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. 


  1. Sadly, the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. We need to voter those who can make a difference.

  2. Political politics from politicians is polightly favouring their own. Most poor parents have unruly kids who don't study, instead they hang about in the heat of the street cutting corners and not playing ball at all

  3. That's from my own experience, so I've taken a perspective with my hindsight. Thanks for popping along, Louise, I appreciate it with your own sweet -self ____ bye
