
Saturday 29 June 2024

I Am Who Can

 I was smitten with smite at our Lord's mighty, mightiful might, for in His night mare came a fright laid bare, as He was cursed to carry a cross like a hearse. I  hereby stand forthwith to hiss this not a bliss but a hiss. The Romans tortured him, because they stated he was sin, so they eventually put him in a bin, which was a cave, and the brave hearted from this the departed, had a rant and rave of how not to behave, a grave sin from His Jewish kin, as they were sinful, and pitiful, as they stoned females to lots of wails at these ails. Our Lord had a stiff-upper-lip, and was sick at the shit that came with equip to the whip by the tyranny of tragedy, a monopoly without the refrain from dishing out pain in the Emperor's name, to tame the mass of the lower class. So what come to pass left the poor aghast, as the Roman's past came to last for hundreds of years, to the crying of tears, at the lost peers, the hierarchy doomed to travesty, from mighty he, a roman who was certain of a place in humane race, accepting Christianity eventually, so all could see our Son shining, with their timing, of finding funding, for hymns to delightfully sing, as in building buildings to celebrate a love lost, now at a cost, for a host to boast of laying down not toast, but the bread and wine, to keep in time with my rhyme.

I fell in love with Jesus Almighty, when I was at my lowest, and He rose my spirits to heights I'd never imagined. I felt at peace, and became well for a long spell not thinking I am in hell, from being a sinner I was now a winner. I put down my sword, and praised the Lord, in a chorus throng of belong, as I loved Christians, and their nature, which did nurture me sensibly, and I became a devout follower of our Lord's nature. And I've emulated him since. I don't go to Church, as it's not my practise, but  I talk to Jesus in my mind, and through the telepathy of the Holy Spirt, I know my prayers grow, and sow a seed of my greed to feed the Trinity with my honesty. I used to be criminally inclined, but I repent, relent, and have remorse, regret and a conscience for my ill-gotten-gains. I'll do my preaching out of the Church, but still search for a Christian nature in everyone I meet, or greet, and evangelistic I will a right my wrongs in throngs of views to so choose that I am not a snooze with a bruise, but a devoted fan of I Am, which is a term for how God wanted to be called upon.

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