
Friday 28 June 2024

Tire Retire

 I have been thinking of retiring, as I am at an age of aging. I was driving my thoughts in ponder at yonder, and as I wander I ponder what lays on yonder. Roads are so unroadworthy, with pot holes and repair everywhere, and what is laid bare is not fair to pedestrians care.

I philosophised staring in our eyes, as tyre's would make the perfect road worthy roads. You could put grip on them and lay them in segments for replenishing. And make them fire proof, so as not to alarm the harm of calm. Vehicles wouldn't skid, and would stop quicker with treads being thicker. If I ever had any influence, I'd have cars drive faster, with a choice, with pedestrians going under or over roads, with crazy drivers driving their thoughts of oughts. Just food for thought,

You know, in Britain, it is illegal to drive under the influence of weed. The lads I know on it don't heed this with a greed so still speed moderately, as most have families as passing passengers taking extra care with their careful care. What I've experienced, is you concentrate more when you score, and also you are not a bore with a chore, as you are pacified with the ride in your hide. I don't know about the law in America and Canada with driving under the influence of  cannibis? But like I've stated, it's over rated. I would like to know the research behind don't drive if you are buzzing like a hive of bees in ecstatic ecstacy? No doubt some stupid technocrat who hasn't done his;/her research delving into the concept of feeling after scoring.

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