
Sunday 16 June 2024

Kinship Friendship

 I thank Mother Nature for my health,

As I am as fit as a fiddle so playing,

I also thank Godly God for my wealth,

As I am not poor in spirit in buying,

As I spend a penny more than many,

So am merry on sherry being cheery,

I raise cheer on beer but still Am sincere,

As I empathise with a dear in fear

Of ending up on a plate deplete meat,

On heat in the street devoid of keep

Under our glowing sunny Son shining

With a parable fable to enable marrying

Yourself with hymn your kin in caughtship

With a friendship slick, hip

And fit.

¢ Andrew Stevenson 


  1. Excellent poem

  2. Thank you for thinking so my friendly friend who is one of the friendliest friendly of friends who I've ever befriended as a friendly friend the friendliest to me your friendly friend who is also one of the friendliest of friends.

  3. Thank you for your appreciative appreciation for appreciating the post with appreciation to which I appreciate your appreciation with appreciation.
