
Friday 28 June 2024

Electricity Being A Gas

 There was a thunderstorm brewing, you could see the dark clouds in the distance, looking as gloomy as ever. Andy looked on in wonderment, and thought we need rain to sustain life, but I don't like the strife of electrifying killing, as it sometimes is fulfilling. After a pause of motion, he could hear the crackling cracking sound of the lightening strikes, and the booming noise of thunder, as if an alarming call to beware to those caught bare.

Andy kept his distance from the wrath of smite in the heaven's above, and thought of God's holy love, or loathe, as to weather or not to trot the rot of time forgot. He was smitten with awe at our Father's capability, and humbly knelt down to pray for forgiveness of his sins, and the whole world as a whole, as so few repented and far enough relented, as life can be brutal under the rule of Tyrants and criminals.

The time was ripe for God's plucking, as the clouds ventured forth, coming upon him what seemed in an  instant, and he thought of Hades and his powers, philosophised by the Greek's in their way of deeming a higher entity ability. He could see the rain before him, before it crashed down upon him, which he hoped would wash away his sins, like being baptised in the church, he hoped God's wrath was not upon him, but that his love was in him, and the Holy Spirit, God's telepathic comrade, would know his way of thinking, not all the time straight, as he had a scitty-scatty sense of reason. Yes he'd been a sinner in his adolescence, but he hoped he been forgiven for being a heathen, as Jesus testified so.

Lightening was crackling all around him, but he felt so far away from home with his roam, and he shouted up to God in the heavens above, 'I AM ALL ABOUT LOVE, NOT LOATHE. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE AS I'M PRONE TO REPENT, AND I HAVE REMORSE, AND I HAVE A CONSCIENCE FOR MY TRANSGRESSING BEHAVIOUR SO GRAVER.' Then he felt stupid, as if there were a God, he would know his way of thinking before he even thought it? He thought of omnipresent, God's widespread quality, and felt ashamed for his unruly thoughts on the odd occasion, such as lusting over other females when he was a married a man! He cursed himself, then thought of God giving all species free will, and felt a comfort he was not alone, as there were many worse than him in our past, present, and duly in the future. 

He was walking fast now, with streams of water running down his exposed face. He was thankful he'd put his coat on before leaving his humble abode, a home from home, as he spent a lot of time looking after his elderly, frail Mother. He suddenly jumped in fear, as lightening struck close to where he was wayfaring. He thought again of God's power, for even just to create the weather was amazing, but for it to be deadly was a signpost of what could be His wrath and smite on us his subjects.

The rain poured down heavily, so much so he could barely see two metres ahead of him. He felt empathy for the blind and short-sighted subjects, and was Glad God hadn't made his eyes deteriated like those poor souls. He reminisced the bling, and had a blinding empathy for those lost souls, and wondered if in another lifetime, the past, and the future, if God would, could, should, bring them back into another existence on earth?

He remained deep in thought, and reasoned God was all about love, as we have our own free will to abide in our hide our own ride with pride or hide! He pondered the electricity in the clouds, and new clouds come from the thrashing sea, and the heat of the day evaperating it to expand upwards, and thought salt must be the overiding substance in clouds, and what power it is to carry a charge so powerful. He reasoned salt would probably make the best batteries, evidenced in the huge amount of charge charging over all in its wake forsake. Then he thought of the weight of the water, and instantly realised it is not vapour carrying such a heavy loaded burden, but must be gas? Then he thought most clouds aren't electrifying with lightening, but must still contain it. Then he thought of God's purpose to create lightening in clouds, and wondered if our bodies need electricity, as surely they must serve a purpose? He thought in depth, and ventured to running water in a household, that have an earth to prevent a shocking experience, and thought 'I wonder if electricity and gas are in a cell of water, so you don't get a shock, and that this cell is pierced in the body to release the charge. He got to thinking this theory in depth, and reasoned all food must contain electricity and gas, and thought God is absolutely amazing with our lives. He thought lightening a side effect, if you will, and couldn't escape it when clouds are so thick and dense?

I hoped you liked my philosophy in this posted piece. Perhaps cancer is not getting the right balance of gas and electricity in your body? Just a passing thought.

Thank you. Love God's Love, Andnew.


  1. Replies
    1. Wow indeed my Friend. God is omnipresent, and is ALL powerful, especially when HE created creation. I admire all the eco-systems in our world, with everything mapped out in its place for a place in existence. Good, merry tidings to you my God fearing ally. Take good care. Love your love, Andrew.
