
Thursday 27 June 2024

On Show Below

  have plenty of ghosts in my closet that haunt myself, they are quite frightening with their haunting, which is now a chilling fright when I sleep at night, dwelling in my hag-ridden dwelling from thought thoughts. I am prone to moan and groan when In my wake is the forsake with what I  take and have taken.

I take a pill because  I am ill, but to instil a thought of being caught out by a lout who is in and out of a consciousness to grin and beware of his stare at  yourself laid bare? I fell in love with life when I was born, I instantly loved my new family, with me now at the bottom of the tree waiting patiently to grow so I can sow a seed or two your way in the form of for to play with a lay. In lay mans terms, I am against abortion, which I abhor this untimely score, as so many can't conceive and grieve a nieve female who is a lout on ale, a pale of her former-self in health.

We should all respect our lives, as we are a Godly given risen from his true-self conquering the questioning. Eve eat an apple, and was all wise and knowledgable, with able to walk and talk and stalk a stalk, to fill your appetite with insight of fight, flight, plight, hype, gripe, wipe away to converse until in a hearse?

Adam was a decent manly man, who called Eve Mam, and with will and can he covertly covered up so God would shut up, as they were on view with nakedness, so Eve left a leaf on his brief grief and made him chief of a thief, his son who stole a life leaving them in strife about life, with its spoils of being ill for a thrill at the until next time in rhyme within the time you are available to will with  your ability.

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