
Thursday 27 June 2024

Cheeky Chops In Crops

 I made a strong cup of coffee, filled with milkshake,

I  heated it up in the microwave, so correctly timed,

It was fulfilling in its wake, as I aptly took it to take, 

I made a sandwich, and thought that it wasn't sublime

So I took out its contents and ate it entirely on its own

So the filling was fulfilling to my appetite now in time.

Eating so much bread is now dead in my thought head,

And when I do eat it I have it on its own  I have sown[

The filling separately so the sandwich is more bread

And more filling to the fulfilling of a new homegrown.

Have a butty separately from the filling for fulfilling

A winning speciality novelty especially now prone,

I buy a packet of ham, and eat it like meaty spam,

As I am prone to eat it on its own like homegrown

Turkey or chicken, on a plate, to entirely so I can

Feed my appetite with a might of flavour behaviour

As we have taste buds in our cheeks as well as tongue

So eat with filling your mouth entirely so to saviour

This behaviour to so not wavour this fill of graver.

Try swilling a drink in your mouth, and taste with your cheeks. When eating a meal, fill your mouth right up, and tastier taste. It also saves scooping your food constantly.

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