
Friday 28 June 2024

Fright Of Night

 Peeking from my covers I look through the glazing

Where not long before the sun had been so blazing,

Slowly but surely it is becoming the dark night - 

The sun's gone away and now the moon is in sight.

Under my covers my fears they wont keep

As I cling to my teddy and try not to sleep,

I cower much more but I don't feel alright

As ghosts and ghouls can keep out of sight.

I sink much deeper into the safety of my bed

And try to remember what Daddy had said:

That Halloween's realism was all in my head,

But nevertheless, I'm still filled with dread.

At every staircase's groan and also every walls creek

I stir my dark hiding place and take a short peek,

I want Dad, I don't like being on my own in my room

Under the watchful gaze of the ever frightening moon.

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