
Saturday 29 June 2024

Cat And Pat

 Kitty the kitten was taking a nap on a comfy mat, when she awoke, then sat, and yawned a long and hard    yawn,  stretching her limbs as she did so, which felt to her a nice thing to do, as it woke her up even the more. Feeling tired, she had retired to her slumber, and lay under a cover, which was now around her, on the floor next to a paw. She slowly but surely, got up off the mat and strode over to Pat, her loving owner, in the hope she would receive a petting, as she was fretting for a hugging love from her owner above, sitting quietly on the sofa watching TV. She jumped up on the settee, and sat next to she, with a sense of pursuing a little bit of tranquillity, in the sense that she, was now hungry, and would perrrrr for some dinner to put within her.

Her owner, Pat, who was sat, stroke her cat, and was knowlegdable that, her kitten was fat, and after a nap usually wanted a pat. She stroked kitty's fur, and received a purr in response. She continued petting her, enjoying the feel of her fur, and liking a purr to stir her feelings of a deep fondness for her pet. Kitty purred the more, in hoping to score a meal, which would feel good in her belly. She thought of the jelly surrounding a meal, and thought it tasty. She purred long and hard, to discard her owner to feed her.

Her owner, Pat, stayed sat up right, watching a programme in sight, and took little notice of Kitty's gripe, that it was night, and because she had had a nap, she missed out on being fed as she had been in bed, on the soft mat. She scratched Pat, then laid back, and saw the track of a scratch she had made, and hoped her maid, Pat, to get back on track by emptying a sack of food in her bowl, foretold by Kitty the bold temporely on hold - for now. She looked  into Pat's eyes, and what a surprise, she was glancing back, a fleeting glimpse. She screached a loud piercing call, which did stall Pat from watching the TV, devoid of noticing Kitty was hungry, she said to thee, 'what's a matter pussy, do you want a pet from me?'

Kitty was reading Pat's expression, as animals do, especially house-hold pets, and had regrets that Pat averted her gaze back on the TV. She snuggled lovingly up to she, Pat, and her making a we, and decided to act diplomatically, so she crawled onto a knee, and wasn't comfy, as a bone was picking on her, it was digging into a rib. She whined the more, hoping to score a meal, by wining and dining, but Pat she was finding was blinding to her whining pleading, so she raised her voice, a choice from her recollections of negotiations from a whine, to fine - a belly full! She rolled on her back, hoping that, Pat who was sat, would see she wasn't fat stretched out like a mat, and realise she hadn't been fed before she went to bed resting her body and head.

Pat's programme finished, and she turned her attention on kitty, and upon seeing her acting like she was dead, with her head out of sight, on the side of the armchair, she thought it only fair to pause and stare at what was laid bare, Kitty's hair. So she stroked her belly, and felt that it wasn't full, so instantly said to Kitty, 'Dinner time for you cat, who is not fat from food, who has had a nap, I forgot until now to feed you a meal, which is a steal if you are hungry with a hunger sounding like thunder'. So she shood kitty off her knee, and kindly but surely thought she was wily by making an expression like a smiley on poor kitty who must be hungry.

The cat got her cream by a scream, with what have been to deem to read your pet as they read you. And each like a book, take the time to look, and reminisce the past, present, and future to nurture with fervour each other's behaviour, and don't be graver in  you nature, but be pleasant and nice and win the price of unconditional loving love with the odd hug.

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