
Tuesday 25 June 2024

A Short Story

I was walking with my glasses on, liking it in the shade of cover from the forest trees, that were blooming their wealth of flowers. I picked a rose, and enjoyed its scent. I love being amongst nature i thought, then felt silly as I always have. A rabbit darted past, and I felt sorry for its sad existence, as it doesn't venture far from its burrow. I felt sorry for it, and prayed a prayer that life can sometimes not be fair. I ventured into a perspective, and felt the more sorrow for the rabbit's tomorrow of still continuing sorrow. I had my dog with me, keeping me company, and playfully she chased the creature. But it's in their nature from Mother Nature, a sad and bad type of torture. then i got to thinking again, and philosophised that life is cruel to some species. Moths are bread for food, just like plankton feeds the fish that feed bigger prey. and I felt a solice that i am a human, the top of the food chain, with a lot to gain, because I am on the top, and sometimes I trot to an empathy forgot  by this rot.

I got home, and felt alone, regardless of my pet with me. I made a strong cup of coffee, two heaped spoonfuls, so it tasted like a roast, and then I made some toast, but let it stand the test of time, so it was crunchy munchy. But I hardly have any teeth, so out of reach but a peach is what I preach to teach. I sat down with a frown of fooling around, as I had a drink which made me think of the stink that comes with it, as in to lose your faculties is a hindsight of mighty might out of sight plight of flight gripe. But I am on my own, apart from my pet, who with regret, still chases a comforting petting, then not fretting regretting, but appeasing pleasing. I made a cup of tea, and thought why should i wash that cup, when a fill up is just the same, so i stayed tame to this game of refrain. I thought of space, and thought it ace, as with a pace it is expanding in a race, but chasing itself. i further philosophised, and wondered where did it matter the origins of water, and what is beyond space for it to fill more? baffling. where did it all come from to exist? baffling. I spoke to my pet of the regret of not knowing? And she was oblivious of my intentions of superstitions.

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