
Saturday 29 June 2024

Be Free From Disrespectability

 I have had a restless sleep

Where my dreams did keep

Stirring me from slumber

As I was going sadly under.

I am hag-ridden with grief

And fall softly like a leaf

To an impending gloom

Coming so way too soon.

I am not ready to pass,

Am I sadly being an ass

By being madly aghast

Remembering my past.

I have been through an odyssey

Of a nightmare of not being free,

I'm locked up suffering dejection

And am bullied into subjection.

Hospital is not the place to be

If you are suffering mentally - 

Staff don't have the time of day

Constantly sending you away.

I cannot breathe this intoxication

As I adhere to a Worldly Nation

Free from the hellish subjection

Of Doctor's and Nurse's objection.

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