
Sunday 23 June 2024

A Turn For The Worst


A eulogy written like an elegy!

I knew a manly warrior who was a vision of excellence, and when you walked into a room, his character demanded acknowledgement of respect in all its praiseworthiness. Jimmy was a hard man amongst thieves, and his intimidating influence defended many a friend against worthy foes, with little regard for his own safety, as he had the confidence of a lion, and the heart of a gladiator, and would pull them up to 'put up' and 'shut up'!


When he demanded attention, usually hostile men fell to his prowess, later to be picked up off the floor, a score to lead to the goal of being respected, and not neglected in negative behaviour! Yes, Jimmy was a knockout merchant among a community who paid care to his snare of a glare, which could chance him to hurt you?


All who knew Jimmy were in awe at his magnificence, as he was truly a sight to behold, and his masculinity reaped femininity, as he always had a pretty girl on his arm, particularly Suey, his long-term partner. I admired him, and was in awe of his structure, as he was manly in proportion, as in being stocky and broad, and his mouth could be a sword, as in cutting an opponent to bits, with his wit and grit of giving out shit! 


He drank and sank drink to the brink, and his voice could sometimes boom to fill a bar-room with fear to adhere to, but also a cheer to warm to, as Jimmy's follies and laughter while under the spell of drink, could lead you to think, what a great entertainer he is, and we would listen intently in what he would be trying to relate, which would sate our appetite of  his showmanship, companionship, to which we would appreciate, and which is ingrained in many of our memories of him. 


He settled with a beauty of face from humane race with a grace to nurture his nature. Suey loved him immeasurably and produced two offspring to sing his praises with phrases admirable to mention, such as what a great dad we had, one of the lads! 


But at times in their past Jimmy and Suey fell to being unwell in a knell of drug taking hell! Yes, he drank and took drugs to the brink, and she did sink to depths of despair from the glare of time and wear to flare to go away care, as they split up for a long duration. Suey conquered her predicament, and became an inspiration among women, caring for the needs of her children. 


Suey arose a smile worthwhile from a pile of shit that was the pit of negativity from a drug taking community! She persevered unheard, but with a wise word in your ear of sincere sentiments of Jimmy, as she could have you adhere to her phrases so dear, to repent in scorn, and look back, and listen to a track, that he could harmoniously sing in tune to his strumming guitar - a rock star! 


Jimmy went to prison a lonely man, and found a voice from choice lyrics, leaving his listeners with appreciation for his devotion to their supplication of him singing, and as a delegation, they can extend the appreciation with this mention, as many do when I see them! He generated a sensation of interest, which did manifest in him making a CD, one of popularity. During their segregation, deprivation, and separation from their loved ones, Jimmy could play a soothing tune to heal some of their 'doom and gloom' mentality, sometimes a grave reality, that Jimmy could see, and then offer some tranquillity, as in he, his guitar, and his husky, rugged voice that could sometimes give you Goosebumps! 


Jimmy came out a better man with will and can, and went to work singing for a living, which is inspiring, as he was captivating while performing! A throng of people would sing along to his songs, and he would shake his feet to the beat, and move with a groove of being at ease - a breeze for him! He didn't think rationally of his sanity, by not reasoning his mentality. But he still drank, and sank to depths of despair, and he drank to the brink, that became his mortal lair! 


© Andrew Stevenson 06/03/2017 


This is eulogy I wrote of a man I humbly respected. I used to look at him with admiration, and then with a deep sadness of his loss of gladness, and he became a bad junkie, a sorry sight to his former-self. But he came back and sang beautifully, but drank heavily, which eventually felled him. A sorry loss indeed. I loved you as a mate, Jimmy, you were a respectful person among mice acting like men.

Posted by WordsPoeticallyWorth at 20:45 4 comments:  

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Sorry For Sins

Samson reluctantly shuffled to the local bus stop in trepidation of the protocol he had recently endured. As his wayfaring thoughts wondered to a safer place, he stumbled, which abruptly regained his realism, and as he faced the impending, growing tarmac path, he instinctively threw forward his hands in defence, and shrieked in pain as they scraped hard against this aggressive surface. 

He felt the blood on his palms before he inspected these sources of suffering, subconsciously aware of his ambivalent, temporary respite from its rooted cause! He inflated to scream in defiance at the world, only then to instantly deflate with an understanding, comparative weakness. He sighed loudly and did not care who might hear this cry of desperation, as he wanted protection, but found none of it in the humorous countenances passing by that mocked him. He regained what little composure he had, and carefully recommenced his fateful journey.


1 comment:

  1. I wrote this myself, about a turn for the worst. I was just like James, Jimmy, and stilll am. Take good care of y ourselfs. thannk you for being mindful of this peace !!!!!!!!
