
Tuesday 22 January 2019

Disarray At Play

 I have often been locked away,
With my faculties so in disarray,
Left to rot – forgot by the staff
Who insensitively used to laugh
At their own amusement humour
While we used to insanely suffer,
This type of intolerance behaviour
Is an unpalatable unhappy flavour.
I would eventually get better,
But still as so mad as a hatter,
But I would eat and get fatter
From a fast of bread and butter.
Are you kind enough to care
That life at times is not fair.
© Andrew Stevenson 05/11/2018
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. Again Andrew you are a very honest person and your writting does you credit.


  2. People who are amused by the suffering of people in their care deserve to experience what their patients are going through. That is the cruelest of cruel. It took me a while to understand that life is often not fair. Now the unfairness of life bothers me frequently ~ Not so much that it's been unfair to me, but more that I have been more fortunate than so many others. I think of "There, but for the Grace of God, go I" and then I wonder why me? Why should I be so lucky when awful things happen to others: rape, torture, starvation. I'll likely never understand it; but I give thanks for my blessings every day.

    1. Greetings Louise. It was insensitive of them, and at the time I was paranoid of them being loud! Thank you for your understanding. I always am thankful for what I've got, a roof over my head, a comfy bed, a cupboard full of wares and a fridge-freezer always full! Lots of others suffer in this world with poverty and strife, with a life of suffering. Jesus can be a blessing to those who are stressing! Glad you are thankful too, it shows you are a caring person. Blessings my Friend. Love love, Andrew.
