
Tuesday 15 January 2019

Little Ant

A 2000 word short story: 

A little, Amazon jungle ant was exiting the nest at dawn, and stopped just short of the entrance to take in the glorious morning sunlight, which felt warm on his exterior and heated his spirit, until another passing army ant, trod on his foot while passing. 

‘Hey you,’ little ant said, ‘you did that on purpose!’ 

‘Shut up and put up,’ army ant stated, ‘you were in my way – and I have the last say!’ 

Little ant hated the bullying by the larger ants, and resented their authority over him, as size dominated the authority within the nest. He was glad to be out from the dark, and slowly ventured into the light. He was thinking that he didn’t like the hustle and bustle of activity within the nest, particularly at meal times, as he was bossed about so much, that sometimes he missed a meal just to escape the torment: he couldn't wait to grow, and boss others about - a paradoxical philosophy of understanding. 

He felt weak as pangs of hunger stabbed away at his stomach, which eat away at his thoughts. He had instructions, to bring back food, but he would eat first, and think later, as he was desperately hungry. The last time he had been caught out, observed and reported by another ant who had chanced upon him lazing in the grass lapping up a dead maggot. He would be more observant this time. 

As he ventured forward, he scanned the area around him. He chose a scenic trail, and felt no guilt for it, regardless of his orders - to take the dense route: he didn't like that way, as it was strenuous and arduous. He took in the beautiful flowers, and marvelled at their colours. It wasn't long before he came across a snail eating a leaf: 

'I envy you,' Ant said as he took in the vast amount of leaves, 'you have so much food to eat, while we only have slim pickings!' 

'But meat is nice,' the snail empathised, 'and leaves are boring to eat. I envy you, having legs to get about on while I have to crawl on my belly!' 

Little ant thought about this statement, and smiled as he danced about, gyrating his legs to and thro. After a moment of elation, he slipped on the snail’s wet trail, and with his legs spread out flat, landed hard on his own belly. 

'That'll teach you,' snail said, 'you should look before you leap. Speaking of which, let me try and have a ride on your back, to see what's it like to have legs? Go on, I can see how strong you are?' 

Little Ant thought it through, and after a moment was persuaded. He liked being praised for his strength, and flexed his muscles in personal pride. 

'Go on then,' ant said, 'get onto my back.' 

Little ant manoeuvred towards the snail, and assisted him to get onto him. Snail slid onto his back. Little ant now felt big, and asked where the snail wanted to go? 

'I'd like to go the river,' snail responded, 'to have a hearty drink - as I'm so thirsty.' 

'Alright then, perhaps I'll find something to eat along the way - as I'm so hungry. You know I don't kill insects, I just find dead ones and take them back to the nest - but the adults kill to eat. My favourite food is maggot. You're like a big maggot! I kill maggots to eat them.'

The snail enjoyed the ride, and bossed little ant about: turn here, go that way, up that mound, and became most unpleasant. Little ant started to resent the request, and relished the thought of off-loading the weight!

When they came to the river, the snail ordered little ant to squat while he drank from a large puddle. After a duration of drinking, little ant didn't like the snails ungrateful attitude, and chose to shake him off; and as he shook, he realised the snail had become sticky, opposed to slippy, and held fast. 

'Get off me,' ant protested, 'I'm tired and hungry.' 

'Not until I find the tastiest bush I like!'

Little ant shook with all of his might, but couldn't shake the wily snail off. After some effort, and time, he gave up hope. 

'What does this tasty bush look like?' 

'It's small with white flowers, and is quite rare to see.' 

'I know where there's a bush of that description, I passed one early this morning.' 

'Take me, take me - I like the leaves so much.' 

'But what about me? You're such a heavy load. Can't I drop you off with the promise I'll bring you some leaves back to you?' 

'No, no. Take me there.'

Little ant begrudged the journey, but thought it would be worthwhile, as he was hungry too. He philosophised about 'looking before leaping' the whole way there. Snail felt so clever to have duped little ant, Little ant felt so hungry, but persevered the midday heat, and soldiered on regardless, and found it a great effort. Soon they could see the bush in the distance, and the snail got excited: 

'Come on, hurry up. Go faster.' 

Little ant ran, and the snail was solely focused on the prize, and in his haste, failed to notice the nest nearby! Little ant veered sharply to his left, and within moments had entered the tunnel leading to the nest.

'You should have looked before you leaped,' little ant said to snail as he dropped the snail off to the queen. 

Little ant was the talk of the nest, and received much praise and attention, and at supper-time, was invited to sit at the queen's table, where he received an accolade of praise - and a large portion of snail! 

Copyright Andrew Stevenson 24/03/2017
An edited piece.
Thank you. Love love, Andrew.


  1. A wonderful read and excellently written Andrew. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Greetings Yvonne. Thank you for thinking so. It's a fable. Blessings to your good-self from me. Love love, Andrew.

  2. Loving this morality tale, its nice to see a story on your blog.

    Best wishes for 2019, here's to many more such posts.

    1. Greetings Tracy. Thank you for liking the Fable. I should write more short-stories? Blessings to you. Happy 2019 to yourself my blogging Friend. Love love, Andrew.

  3. This is delightful, Andrew! Your writing brought it alive in my mind. I can already see it as a children's picture book! Well done, my friend!

    1. Greetings Louise. Thank you for thinking so and for your sweet praise, which is most welcomed. Blessings to you my sweet-Friend. Love love, Andrew.
